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母牛哞哞叫。A cow moos.

我听到一声牛叫。I hear a cow.

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她真是一个牛哇。She is a cow.

牛的肚子里!Tripe of the cow.

毕比看见一头母牛。BeeBee sees a cow.

于是穆那查到了奶牛那里。He came to the cow.

那是一头母鲸。That whale's a cow.

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这头母牛出奶率高。The cow milks well.

这是一头出奶期中的母牛。It is a cow in milk.

这头母牛早产了。The cow cast a calf.

牛是如何说话的?。What does a cow say?

这头牛身在印度。This cow is in India.

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好母牛难免产劣犊。The cow cast her calf.

那头牛看上去那么悲伤!The cow looked so sad!

这下牛一蓓火大了!This cow a bud fire big!

牛反刍它的食物。A cow ruminates its food.

牛反刍所吃的食物。A cow ruminates its food.

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我从没看过一头紫牛。I never saw a purple cow.

母牛飕地甩动它的尾巴。The cow swished her tail.

我喜欢三分熟的牛。I like my cow Medium Rare.