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我爱这个摩丝。I love this mousse.

我在头发上抹了些摩丝。I put some mousse on my hair.

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那摩丝可以帮助塑造我的发型。The mousse helps shape my hair.

这道火煺奶油冻是怎么做的?。And how is this ham mousse made?

你用的发雕幕思很好闻。The hair mousse you use smells good.

你要不要来点巧克力幕思?Would you like some chocolate mousse?

你怎么常常在用摩丝?。Why are you using mousse all the time?

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擦这么多摩丝去勾引谁呀?”!Shining so many mousse to seduce Shuixia?

蕴含芦荟活性精华,慕斯般柔肤质感。Containing Aloe essence, as soft as mousse.

甜点是威士忌口味的慕斯。The sweet was a mousse flavoured with whisky.

然后你可以用摩丝给自己定型。Then you could give styling to it with mousse.

只要抹一些慕丝或发胶,然后让它自然风干。Just use mousse or gel and then let it air-dry.

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把慕斯分盛在杯子里,冷藏至凝固。Spoon the mousse in the glasses. Frozen until set.

我尤其会推荐UNT的氨基酸洗卸净白慕丝。I would especially recommend UNT's MOUSSE NETTOYANTE.

桃馅饼和巧克力慕斯蛋糕也接近卖完。The peach pies and chocolate Mousse cakes are nearly finished.

桃子派和巧克力慕斯蛋糕也总是差不多卖完。The peach pies and chocolate mousse cakes are nearly finished.

伯纳德亨利菜厨师竟然好了他的梨摩丝。Chef Bernard Henry dishes out his outrageously good pear mousse.

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这些气体还可以将液态状的摩丝转换成泡沫状。This gas is also what causes the liquid mousse to turn all foamy.

我们想点白巧克力慕斯蛋糕及二副叉子。We'll have the White Chocolate Mousse Cake with two forks please.

粮仓建于水塘上,具有防火、防鼠、防虫蚁三大功能。This barn is built on the pool can defend fire, mousse and insects.