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我们可以把裤腿放长。We can lengthen the leg.

我们可以把裤腿放长。We can lengthen the legs.

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节俭时光就是延永生命。To save time is to lengthen life.

节约侍旧送是延迟生命。to save time is to lengthen life.

节俭时间就是延永生命。Too save time is to lengthen life.

他请裁缝把他的外衣放长些。He asked the tailor to lengthen his coat.

减省时间就是延迟生命。To saudio-videoe time is to lengthen life.

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老师让她把论文加长。The teacher told her to lengthen her paper out.

您愿意把您的文章写得再长一点吗?Will you care to lengthen your arielle out a little?

我把衣袖稍稍放长一点好吗?。Shall I lengthen the sleeves of the dress a tiny bit?

冬去春来,白天开始变长了。As winter gave way to spring the day began to lengthen.

拉长尾椎骨远离盆骨的后侧。Lengthen the tailbone away from the back of your pelvis.

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我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes.

学生应充分延长他们的脊柱和巍然屹立。Student should fully lengthen their spine and stand tall.

就像在山式,延长和扩展你双脚的脚底。As in Tadasana, lengthen and broaden the soles of both feet.

细条纹、垂直条纹和细微图案会显修长。Pinstripes, vertical stripes and subtle patterns can lengthen.

端粒末端转移酶是一种可以重建并且延展端粒的酶。Telomerase is an enzyme that can rebuild and lengthen telomeres.

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让脊柱由骨盆底端向上延长,下颌微收,后颈向上伸长。Draw your chin slightly down and let the back of your neck lengthen.

伸展尾骨向地板方向并保持下背部长。Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor to keep the lower back long.

已足够深了,她开始将它扩展、延长并做成想要的样子。It is deep enough. She begins to widen, lengthen and shape the trench.