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这样的滥用跟获得这类力量的方式有关。Such abusiveness has to do with the manner in which such power was acquired.

吃空饷是一种滥用公共资源行为,其实质是权力失范。It is an abuse of public resources and basically a kind of power abusiveness.

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目的探讨不规范的胆肠吻合术的滥用情况及纠正方法。Objective To discuss the abusiveness and rectification of nonstandard cholangiojejunostomy.

这因为人类形态的生物层持有的暴力和滥用如此泛滥而不可能。It is not possible because the biology of the form holds in place the very violence and abusiveness that plagues mankind.

在2002年,新一致实相将是无害、无暴力、无战争,并被和平所充盈。The new consensus in 2002 shall be devoid of harmfulness, devoid of abusiveness devoid of warfare, and filled with peace.

当你使用镜子来关注这样的模式,清除最初的致因,你就可以超越这样的无意识与能量上的虐待。As one utilizes the mirrors to address such patterning, dismantling the original cause, one may transcend such unconscious and energetic abusiveness.

唉,大部分人将不知道这些事物,因为和大自然的联系已遗失得太久,而且这种联系还将会在人类恐惧的泛滥中绝迹。Alas most will not be aware of such things having lost the connection to nature so very long ago, and will perish in the abusiveness of humans in fear.

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自此以后,她已通过解散他们学校中对她的能量场及身体造成持续不断能量攻击的那些学员,从而提升超越了这个问题。She has since ascended beyond this problem by releasing those in the school that were responsible for the ongoing energetic abusiveness towards her field and form.

人类已经象他们的昴宿星人祖先一样学会了同样的能量滥用,如果你很敏感,那你会觉得在人群之中很难度日。Humans have learned the same energetic abusiveness as their Pleiadian ancestors, making it difficult to spend time in groups as a result, and in particular if one is sensitive.

为了实现依法治国,必须从法律的角度探讨治理行政自由裁量权的滥用的对策。It is imperative to probe the countermeasures against abusiveness of administratively self-determinig power from legal perspective in order to put governing the country by law into real practice.