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内容完全编入索引以支持搜索Content is fully indexed to support search

不要使用非默认索引属性。Do not use non-default indexed properties.

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也就是说,他们不受通货膨胀影响。That is, they're not indexed for inflation.

所有录用论文将被ISTP检索。All papers accepted will be indexed by ISTP.

虚拟变址顺序存取法?。VISAM?Virtual Indexed Sequential Access Method?

对X射线粉末衍射进行了指标化。X-ray powder diffraction patterns were indexed.

接下来,创建一个查询以生成要被索引的行。Next, create a query to produce rows to be indexed.

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方括号表示数字索引数组。Square brackets denote a numerically indexed array.

这意味着我们可以有新页索引更快。That means we can now have new pages indexed faster.

领养老金,有免税额,通下水道。Indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters.

与国会图书馆的主题标目一起加以索引。Is indexed with Library of Congress Subject Headings.

所有被提及的人名和地名都仔细编入索引中。All persons and places mentioned are carefully indexed.

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当然,有些人可能不愿意他们的DNA被索引。Of course, some people might not want their DNA indexed.

我要的只是产品,并不关心您为其编制索引的方式。I just want the product, I don't care how you indexed it.

这种寻址模式称为基索引寻址模式。This addressing mode is the base indexed addressing mode.

它可以把属性与每条索引数据关联起来。It can associate attributes with each piece of indexed data.

索引文件组织按照先后顺序储存记录。Indexed file organization stores records in sequential order.

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为了按特定的行数对行进行分组,每一行都执行索引。To group the rows in a specific number, every row is indexed.

第一届会议收录所有文章均已被ISTP检索!All the papers from the 1st conference have been indexed by ISTP!

为所有将被索引的多行文本域建立索引。Build indexes for all multiline text fields that will be indexed.