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那个捕鸟人也真是不嫌麻烦,实在太笨了。The trapper is really troublesome too clumsy.

这张北极光的照片拍摄到克里克联盟发光的地平线。This display of northern lights sets the horizon aglow at Trapper Creek.

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1732年的时候,在Guixing这个地方,有一个姓魏的捕猎者。他有一杆枪。In 1732 in Guixing, there was an unemployed trapper named Wei who had a gun.

蜘蛛总得想办法活下去啊,碰巧我是一个结网捉虫的。A spider has to pick up a living somehow or other, and I happen to be a trapper.

防滑耐磨橡胶鞋底,室内室外都可以穿着。The rubber, non-slip "trapper" outsole is rugged enough to be worn indoors or out.

他们制造纸张,笔记本,夹子和其他许多文具。They manufacture paper supplies, notebooks, and Trapper Keepers, among other things.

猎人不知出了什么事,但又不敢扑上前去打皇帝。The trapper wondered what was going on, but he couldn't just go up and punch the Emperor.

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猎人不知出了什么问题,但他又不敢上前打皇帝。The trapper wondered what was going on, but he couldn't just go up and punch the Emperor.

吉米被认为是濒临死亡,是由具有一赶到狗拉雪橇捕到一个偏远的医院。Jimmy is thought to be near death and is rushed to a remote hospital by a trapper with a dogsled.

阿Q用精神胜利法战胜别人,套中人则用套子辖制别人。Q uses spirit victory to defeat other people, but The Trapper uses traps to control other people.

总结了一套实用的阻波器阻抗和电阻分量的计算公式。A set of practical formulas is summarized for calculating the impedance and resistance components of trapper.

在小地图上所有显示绿色的怪物点,把一个巨魔改为一个同等级的食人魔。Replaced one Troll Trapper with an equal level Ogre to the all troll trapper green camp next to each start location.

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本文根据自适应噪声对消器的原理设计出一种性能优良的工频电源干扰自适应陷波器。An interference adaptive trapper for operating frequency power supply, based on the principle of adaptive noise canceller, has been designed.

我们总要选择一种这样或那样的方式生存下去,而我正好选择了这种,我只是自然而然的编织了一张网,用它来网住那些苍蝇和其他的一些小昆虫。A spider has to pick up a living somehow or other, and I happen to be a trapper. I just naturally build a web and trap flies and other insects.

他没有命令猎人停止打猎,而是亲自拆除了网的三面,只留下一边。He did not command the trapper to stop hunting. Instead, with his own imperial hands, he took down three sides of the nets, leaving only one side.

紫外吸收类化合物、游离基捕获剂或抗氧剂等处理纸张制止纸张返色的研究已有报道。Application of UV absorbing compounds and radical trapper or antioxidants onto paper have been reported to stabilise the brightness against light exposure.

汤帝看到这个贪心而残忍的猎人,觉得心烦意乱,但他毕竟是一个英明的帝王。Emperor Cheng Tang was upset to find such a greedy, heartless trapper, but he was also a very wise monarch. He did not command the trapper to stop hunting.

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为防止进入网筐内的海螺再次逃出诱捕器具,网筐的敞口边沿设有向内倾斜边框。The open porch of the net basket is provided with edge frames inclining inward to avoid the conches entering into the net basket escaping from the trapper.

新式捕捉器,其目的是解决自动感应进行捕捉窃贼,支撑固定的问题。The utility model discloses a novel trapper which aims to solve the problems of trapping thieves through automatic induction as well as support and fixation.

它们在整个冬天就象皮帽和绒靴一样随处可见,式样繁多,它们是街道潮流且极具魅惑力。They are everywhere this winter, as everywhere as furry trapper hats and fuzzy boots, in varieties so bountiful as to seem, as a street trend, rather mystifying.