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我在昨晚一个接待重要外宾的宴会里,觉得很不适应。I feel very much out-of-place in last night's reception for a foreign dignitary.

中国高官坐美国产飞机来,巴基斯坦用中国产飞机去接。Chinese dignitary comes in American made plane. Pakistan receives him with Chinese aircraft.

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高僧见说,便将手中葫芦往岸上一放,帮着傻子一起摸。Dignitary sees say, put the calabash in the hand toward the bank, helping fool be felt together.

你是否曾嫌弃你的丈夫官做的不够高,钱挣的不够多?Have you ever dislike your husband no dignitary and position no get promoted and no enough money?

令人叹为观止的波卡沙皇帝生吃黑人婴儿,挥霍钻石予西方显贵。The amazing Emperor Bokassa eating little black babies, lavishing diamonds upon the Western dignitary.

在古代,花格窗主要出现在权贵和官员的家庭或办公和活动场所,是富有和权贵的象征。In ancient China, lattice window is only used in dignitary and officer's home or work or activities places.

如果你给一位达官显贵的信开始用的是规范文体,则以此文体贯彻始终。If you start in a formal manner in a letter written to a dignitary , keep the formal manner throughout the letter.

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这儿还有一位至为显要的官员和一位从前住在库拉金家里的瑞士籍家庭教师。There were among them a dignitary of very high standing and a Swiss tutor, who had once been in the Kuragin family.

该高官也说,必须提出一种解决方法,以将该国最近的政治动荡加以平息。The dignitary also said that a solution must be worked out to put an end to the recent political unrest in the country.

北朝鲜没有提供金正日在大型国家集会上现身或接见来访政要的照片,来清楚证明他健康状况的好转。The North has not provided clear evidence of a recovered Kim by showing him at a large state function or with a visiting dignitary.

报纸报道了他在家乡被当做大人物,还受到了中国军方领导的接见。The papers reported that he was treated like a dignitary in his hometown and received an audience with a Chinese military commander.

如果阿达玛上将需要接一位重要人物来卡拉狄加,他可能指派哪种类型的小型船舶执行任务?If Admiral Adama needs to ferry an important dignitary to the Galactica, which type of small ship will he probably assign to the job?

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如果受害者已经死亡或受伤,法庭会指示一位宗教要人评估受害者死亡或受伤的情况。If the victim has died or has beenwounded, the court will instruct a religious dignitary to assess how the victimdied or was wounded.

古时候,有一得到高僧云游四方,一日由于天色已晚,就借宿农家。In ancient times , there was a dignitary traveling far and wide. One day it was getting late. He stayed overnight at a peasant family.

每一个村庄和市镇都有自己的城王,通常大多数都是地方高官,或者是已经死去的重要人物,被提升为神。Every village and town had its own Ch'eng-Huang, most often a local dignitary or important person who had died and been promoted to godhood.

报纸报道了他在家乡被当做大人物,还受到了中国军方领导的接见。S. Army. The papers reported that he was treated like a dignitary in his hometown and received an audience with a Chinese military commander.

同时,他重申了米兰在冠军联赛上的战斗力,表示球队会努力再夺大耳杯。The club dignitary underlined the strength in the Champions League, suggesting their efforts will be spent pushing for the 'big-eared' trophy.

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死神是一位尊贵的客人,当他宣布来临之时,即使与死神打交道最多的人,也要以庄重的礼遇表达对他的敬意。Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received with formal manifestations of respect, even by those most familiar with him.

死神地位显要,当他宣告莅临时,即便是与其熟络的人,也理应毕恭毕敬地加以隆重接待。Death is a dignitary who when he comes announced is to be received with iormal manifestations of respect, even by those most familiar with him.

有关这位来访高官所有费用将由政府支付。包括停留期间的住宿费和餐费,当然交通费一并支付。The government picked up the tab for the visiting dignitary. It paid for all of the lodging and meals, as well as transportation, during his stay.