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一个阿米巴原虫。You've got a single amoeba.

安德森先生,快点你是个人或阿米巴变形虫?Come on! Are you a man or an amoeba?

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阿米巴原虫不断分裂。You've got an amoeba split,going along.

如果不知道什么是阿米巴的话。The amoeba is a tiny, one-celled organism.

「这是一种喜爱高温的阿米巴,」毕区指出。"This is a heat-loving amoeba , " Beach said.

当环境不利时,变形虫产生包囊。An amoeba forms a cyst when conditions are unfavourable.

仿生学单细胞虫今天宣布发型了3.3版机翼。Rogue Amoeba today announced the release of Airfoil 3.3.

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一款小巧的益智手游!游戏主角是两个细胞变形虫!A small tour puzzle hands! Game characters are two cell amoeba !

阿米巴原虫大概是对人最容易引起疾病的变形虫。Entamoeba histolytica is, possibly, the most pathogenic amoeba for humans.

到了某个阶段-,我们来画它进行分裂?It's going along.At a certain point-- Let's draw our amoeba splitting,right?

你不可能不失去身体的一些部分就缩小到变形虫的大小。You can't shrink down to the size of an amoeba without losing parts of yourself.

所有的活物,小至阿米巴虫,大至鲸鱼,皆源于一脉。Every being, from the smallest amoeba to the largest whale, share the same life stream.

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此后研究发现许多的植物和动物,从阿米巴到人类都具有端粒DNA。Later it became clear that most plants and animals, from amoeba to man have telomere DNA.

野外采集种源,室内恒温培养蛞蝓变形虫。The sources of species collects out door, Amoeba Limax is cultured un der constant temperature in doors.

例如当粘黑的变形虫分裂成两半繁殖时,这实质上就是无性繁殖。When the blob-like amoeba reproduces by splitting into two parts, for example, it is essentially cloning itself.

CDC指出,从1995至2004年,被称为福氏耐格里阿米巴的原虫在美国造成23人死亡。According to the CDC, the amoeba called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 2004.

尽管世世代代的男人们做出了无数努力,这种年轻女孩阿米巴团体却一直无法被分散。Despite the best efforts of menfolk across a thousand generations, this adolescent female amoeba cannot be dispelled.

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大多数时候,女孩阿米巴团体都非常专注,她们跟着音乐笑啊跳啊,慢慢地朝内围成一个圈。Most of the time the girl amoeba is absorbed with itself, laughing and moving to the music, faced inward in a circle.

回想罗格-阿米巴快过3岁生日的时候,我们异常兴奋,因为要迎来我们的第一个员工——麦克——阿什。Way back when Rogue Amoeba was nearing its third birthday, we were excited to bring on our first employee – Mike Ash.

在9.30那天,我们将要庆祝我们的8岁生日,这也意味着麦克已经于罗格-阿米巴同在整整五年了!On September 30th, we’ll celebrate our eighth birthday, which means Mike has been with Rogue Amoeba for five full years!