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这就是我所谓的没有自我理想的魅影意象。This is what I call not having a specular image.

每个材质都有漫反射、凹凸和高光贴图。Every material has diffuse, bump and specular map.

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对镜子笑是自恋还是自卑哦?Be narcissism to specular laugh be still self- abased ?

关于材质路径,我使用颜色、映像、碰撞和镜面反射。For the material channels I use Color, Reflection, Bump and Specular.

为了避免出现这种状况,你可以设置较低的高光级别值。To avoid this you must set a lower amount in the specular level slot.

镜面封边条高亮度的表面,带给你不同的视觉效果。The specular surface of edge banding brings different visual effects to you.

从这里,我们将继续前进,并开始创造一个镜面映射为我们的生物。From here we will move on and begin to create a specular map for our creature.

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如果是闪亮的对象,你可以用比较亮的颜色用作镜面反射。If it's a shiny object, you would use a lighter color for Specular reflections.

在地球上,玻璃,液体和抛光金属常常产生镜面反射。On Earth, glass, liquids and polished metals often produce specular reflections.

我们来看看两张图是什么,第一张是高光级别,第二张是高光色。What you see are the two maps, first one specular level, second one specular colour.

中义量测物体表面在一定角度下反射程度的仪器。An instrument used to measure the specular reflectance from a surface at a given angle.

材质属性具有不同的的类型,例如漫射、射、境等等。There are different kinds of material properties like diffuse, specular , ambient, etc.

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闪闪发光的银色球的漫反射光线应该是银色的,其镜面反射部分为白色。The shiny silver ball's diffused color would be silver and its specular component white.

侧向取决于这个角度的主要镜面反向散射。The beam aspect was chosen due to the dominant specular scatterers in this angular region.

如果你的灯非常的亮,你在渲染时将得到一个非常强烈的高光。If your light is very bright, you will have a very strong specular highlight in the rendering.

镜面反射提高皮肤细纹的可见度,犹如涂了一层油脂。Specular Reflection enhances the appearance of fine lines on the skin, similar to an oily coating.

如果你不知道什么是视差凹凸贴图,而且不需要高亮贴图,那就跳过这一步吧。If you don't know what parallax mapping is, and don't need a specular map, skip this step completely.

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考察材料没有发现适用于镜面雷达吸收剂的阻抗匹配。None of the surveyed materials were found to be suitable for use as impedance matched specular radar absorbers.

基本渲染的结果是被屏幕内容填满的Z缓冲和带有法线和高光强度的渲染纹理。Result of the base pass is Z buffer filled with scene contents and Render Texture with normals & specular power.

这个安全材质网络证明了如何去做一个只在高光区上的表面透明材质。The safe shading network demonstrates how to make a surface transparent only where there are specular highlights.