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艾波比先生不觊觎权力。Mr Appleby does not covet power.

我该垂涎邻家的女佣吗?Shall I covet my neighbour's maidservant?

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我们中间有许多人缺乏这种安静的力量。Many of us are lacking in the strength we so covet.

我会短暂地渴望一件东西,然后这种购买欲就消失了。I briefly covet something, and then the urge passes.

勿贪意外之财,勿饮过量之酒。Don't covet unexpected money, nor drink too much wine.

蔡建平是那种企业寻求的MBA人才。James Tsai is the sort of MBA corporate recruiters covet.

因贪念而侵夺他人,实则伤害自己的人格。To covet and take from others is to harm one's own character.

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李景秋有着雇主所垂涎的编程技能。Jingqiu Li has the kind of programming skills employers covet.

我们不能让朝鲜觊觎我们哪怕是一寸领土。We cannot let North Korea covet even an inch of our territory.

垂涎这些事物的人们会如何评价自己?What are people who covet these things saying about themselves?

不让你的心贪恋她的美色,不让她的秋波迷惑你。Let not thy heart covet her beauty, be not caught with her winks.

不愿你忧虑,不愿你贪求你没有的能力。He doesn't want you to worry about or covet abilities that you don't have.

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所以你们应思慕我的话,珍爱我的话,如此,你们必深受教益。Covet ye therefore my words, and love them, and you shall have instruction.

数以百万计的人买乐透彩券,因为大家都想做百万富翁。Millions of people buy lottery tickets because they covet to be millionaires.

所以我弟兄们,你们要切慕作先知讲道,也不要禁止说方言。Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.

俊杰吃醋PP对穿裙女人垂涎,决定自己也尝试穿裙子。Junjie jealous PP covet to wear skirt woman, decided to also try to wear a skirt.

从某种角度来说,这应是美国觊觎的机遇。This is, in one view, an opportunity that the United States should greedily covet.

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这样做带来的好处是降低本国储蓄的汇率风险。The exorbitant privilege it may covet is a lower foreign-exchange risk on its savings.

你或许觊觎别人的伴侣,因为他们有更好的容貌,他们更性感、更妩媚可人。You might even covet someone else’s partner for being better looking, sexy and charming.

大卫,这位是茉莉,不要打她的主意哟,人家已经名花有主啦,就是这位,杰克。Now, David, this is Molly and don't covet her who is taken by someone. He is the man, Jack.