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凯莉梦珀家在阿拉巴马州郊区。Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama.

罢工是先从亚拉巴马州开始的。The strike first started in Alabama.

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这个用户现在居住在亚拉巴马州。This user lives in the state of Alabama.

这门课程由美国阿拉巴马大学开设。This course is taught at University of Alabama.

丈夫去世后,她搬到了阿拉巴马州。After her husband's death, she moved to Alabama.

丹·卡尔森,阿拉巴马州米德兰市报道。Dan Carsen reporting from Midland city, Alabama.

贝西默还是阿拉巴马州的一个镇名没错!Oh. And Bessemer is also a town in Alabama. Yea!

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她家的房子和亚拉巴马州一样老。She lived in a house that was as old as Alabama.

阿拉巴马州的移民法在某些方面模仿了这些州的做法。The Alabama law imitates those in some respects.

那位拍卖商是一位出生于亚拉巴马州的雄辩家。The auctioneer was a silver-tongued man from Alabama.

然后金在阿拉巴马洲的伯明翰领导了一场新的革命。King then led a new revolution in Birmingham, Alabama.

她家的房子和亚拉巴马州一样老。Well, she lived in a house that was as old as Alabama.

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阿拉巴马大学现在成为了大学橄榄球联赛的领头羊。Alabama is now college football's number-one-ranked team.

噢,苏珊娜我来自亚拉巴马,膝上放着班卓琴。Oh, Susanna I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee.

来自阿拉巴马的共和党议员斯潘塞·巴克斯和来自乔治亚州的汤姆·普莱斯这样说Alabama Republican Spencer Bachus, and Georgia's Tom Price

但人们的希望落空了,阿拉巴马鲟鱼再也没有出现过。Itnever did, and there are no Alabama sturgeons in captivity.

但它没有,而人们也再没捕获到萨氏铲鲟。It never did, and there are no Alabama sturgeons in captivity.

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红颈将近从他们知道怎么从亚拉巴马人撒尿的高速档杀死人。People From Top Gear They know how to piss of people from Alabama.

来自阿拉巴马州的参议员理查德·谢尔比说,解决方案是一种“勒索”。That settlement is a “shakedown, ” says Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama.

欧蒂塔.霍姆斯1930年出生在美国南部的阿拉巴马州。Odetta Holmes was born in the southern state of Alabama in nineteen thirty.