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孙燕姿的首张专辑一炮打响。Sun's debut album was a runaway hit.

一个玩笑话将在周二就MTV的处子秀。A teaser will debut on Tuesday on MTV.

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左外锋,17岁就为曼联初次登场。Outside-left. Made United debut at 17.

现在,丽贝卡正在录制首张个人专辑。Now the girl is making her debut record.

这是我在北京的首场个唱。This is my debut solo concert in Beijing.

该管弦乐队将演奏她新近推出的那首交响曲。The orchestra will debut her new symphony.

他把握住了首秀的机会,大跨步的前进,对吧?He took his debut in his stride, didn't he?

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2006年,泰勒发行了第一张个人同名专辑。Her self-titled debut was released in 2006.

他的首部电影是于1954年与朱迪·贺黛莉合作。His 1954 movie debut was with Judy Holiday.

然而,她首次登台演出就获得了神话般地成功。However, she had a fairly successful debut.

从桂竹香的自我命名的首张专辑。From the Wallflower's self-titled, debut album.

英灵级作为奥运会项目将在2004年首次登场。The Yngling will make its Olympic debut in 2004.

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卡内基音乐堂举行她在纽约的首次演出。She's making her New York debut at Carnegie Hall.

今年夏天,他就要在动画�首度登场。This summer, he will make his debut in animation.

这位年轻的明星是在迪士尼的电影中初试啼声的。This young star made his debut in a Disney movie.

今晚的晚餐是我丈夫初次掌厨的成果。Tonight's dinner is my husband's debut as a cook.

他决定与其他几名小提琴手一起首次登台演出。He decided to debut with several other violinists.

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我要祝贺沙欣完成了他的首秀。I wish to congratulate Sahin for making his debut.

这位歌唱家初次登台表演莫札特的唐乔凡尼。The singer made his debut as Mozart's Don Giovanni.

第二年,她发行了她的首张唱片。She released her debut recording the following year.