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他面部的毁容是由于一次爆炸造成的。The disfigurement of his face was caused by an explosion.

裂缝是沥青混凝土路面的主要缺陷之一。Crack is one of the mainly disfigurement of asphalt concrete pavement.

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比如说南瓜上的一个突起部分可能成为头上的角或者脸部的畸形。A protrusion, for example, could become a horn or disfigurement in the face.

及时的手术治疗对我的眼睛进行了修复,然而恢复却是如此的缓慢,我陷入了毁容的恐惧之中。A quick operation fixed things, but recuperation was slow and I feared disfigurement.

本文利用红外热像仪来测定建筑围护结构中是否存在热工缺陷。The infrared thermography was used to estimate the thermodynamic disfigurement in this article.

一个疼痛的惩罚,不会留下松动牙齿、破裂鼻子的长久毁形。A painful punishment that would leave no lasting disfigurement of loosened teeth or broken nose.

沃尔特洛伦茨外科公司建议定期检查磨损和缺陷情况。Walter Lorenz recommends that all instruments be regularly inspected for wear and disfigurement.

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使用核子弹将造成难以估计的死伤和损害,但人类社会往往十分健忘。Unleashing a nuclear bomb would cause untold death and disfigurement. But society tends to forget.

本文描述了一种在现代玻壳制造技术中对玻壳玻璃缺陷进行判断和分析的有效方法。This article gives a method to analyze the disfigurement of glass bulb on modem manufacturing system.

泰因使用镇静剂和止痛药曾一度神志不清,后来才逐渐开始意识到他毁容这个残酷的现实。Ty, his perception fogged by sedatives and painkillers, only gradually became aware of his disfigurement.

以红外热像技术和传热学反问题为基础的热无损探伤方法在加热炉故障诊断和检测中广泛应用。Infra-red non-destruction technology has been widely applied in disfigurement inspecting of furnace liner.

基于抽样检验在测量数据精度分析中的思想,提出基于抽样的缺陷率方法对GIS属性数据的精度进行度量。In this paper, the method of rate of disfigurement is proposed to measure accuracy of attribute data in GIS.

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介绍了嵌入式图像处理系统用于零件表面缺陷检测的原理。The detection theory of parts surface disfigurement based on the embed image processing system is introduced.

第二部分分析了集体土地所有权制度存在缺陷的根源。In the second part, the author analyzes the root of the disfigurement of the collective land ownership system.

在构建了头部等效微单元的量化模型的基础上,得到了舌形缺陷的预计算模型。With quantitative model of tiny cells at the head, a forecasting model of long ear disfigurement was obtained.

在我国,由于制度的不完善和历史遗留问题造成了我国上市公司融资行为的扭曲。In our country, system disfigurement and historical question contort our public corporation' financing behavior.

就我国而言,无论在立法上还是司法上尚存很大缺陷,需要进一步加以完善。The situation in China needs great improvement because too much disfigurement existed in both legislation and judicature.

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在被根除以前,天花在许多国家普遍流行,导致死亡、失明和毁容。Prior to eradication, smallpox epidemics were common in many countries, leaving death, blindness and disfigurement behind.

在进组之前,谢霆锋就必须先接受“剃头”、“毁容”和“拉车”的三重考验。Prior to the Progressive Group, Nicholas Tse must first accept the "shaved", "disfigurement" and "pull carts" triple test.

对鉴定过程中所涉及的检测、缺陷原因分析、责任认定和损失测算提出了看法。Some viewpoints on test, disfigurement analysis, responsibility cognizance and loss estimate in appraisal program are proposed.