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他活不过今宵。He will not outlive this night.

有时候,我们还得经受生活的磨炼。Sometimes we have to outlive our history.

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阿歌会活得比在内存中讲道。A song will outlive sermons in the memory.

主,我莫苟且偷生,如若对你爱减退。Lord, let me never, never, outlive my love for thee.

这大致可以解释为什么在记忆中,一手好歌胜过所有的说教。Probably that is why a good song can outlive all sermons.

但现在女人平均比男人长寿五到六年。But nowadays women outlive men by about five to six years.

另一方面,终极马拉松运动员可能比我们都要长寿。On the other hand, the ultra-marathoner might outlive us all.

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一些资源和财富,我们积累将会比我们联系。Some of the resources and weh that we accumulate will outlive us.

他们的故事以及我们从中获得的经验教训,将长久地流传下去。Their story, and the lessons we derive from it, will long outlive them.

这个可怕的事实是我们不应该试图如行尸走肉般存在。The unspeakable truth is that we should not try and outlive our usefulness.

如果前田女士的过着典型的日本式生活,那么日本妇女将仍然会比我们其他人长寿。If Maeda is typical, then Japanese women will continue to outlive the rest of us.

据报道,伯克利咕嘟咕嘟活着可以以6比1击败活得比弱旅。It has been reported that the Berkley Gulp Alive can beat outlive minnows by 6 to 1.

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英国共谋此次破坏行动,这种丑行的恶劣影响将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。British collusion in such destruction is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict.

可是比万物的存在更为长久的最有可能是我们从未造出来的东西——核垃圾。But what will most probably outlive anything else we have ever built will be our nuclear legacy.

弗吉尼亚理工大学列维•利布雷斯库教授的朋友和同事说,他的行为在那恐怖的一天结束后仍会为世人所纪念。Friends and colleagues at Virgina Tech say Dr. Librescu's actions will outlive the terror of that day.

但是,不要太没耐心,因为克服过去犯下的错误有时需要很长时间。However, you should not get too impatient because sometimes it takes time to outlive your past mistakes.

坚持每天跑步,偶尔参与5-K或马拉松,您将活过您不好动的邻居。Keep running each day, entering the occasional 5-K or marathon, and you'll outlive your sedentary neighbors.

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心理学专家统计发现,名字首字母为A的人要比首字母为D的人多活10年。Psychology experts reckon people whose first name begins with A outlive by 10 years those whose initial is D.

一个红润的、精壮的老太太,不论什么天气什么季节她都兴致勃勃,看样子要比她的孩子活得还长久。A ruddy and lusty old dame, who delights in all weathers and seasons, and is likely to outlive all her children yet.

但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将名垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon because it did all the difficult work first.