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那家饭馆很邋遢。The restaurant is a raunchy place.

男孩们在喝了一夜的酒之后看起来很邋遢。The boys looked pretty raunchy after a night of drinking.

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同时,大多数人都不喜欢在初次约会时去看淫秽片。And most would hate to see a raunchy downer on a first date.

我已经去掉所有的淫秽相片。I have taken the raunchy pictures out. Rated PG-13 for content.

适时讲些黄色笑话,经常从背后抱住她轻吻。Timely stresses more raunchy , often cling to her from behind Qingwen.

亨利开始奚落我的牛仔裤。那天那条裤子看上去显得尤其邋遇。Henry started in on me about my jeans, which, that night, were especially raunchy.

在成年人的游戏测试中,问题的答案很快就会变得低级,但每个人玩儿的都很开心。In a test with adults, the answers quickly got raunchy , but everyone had a good time.

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在蓝调早期的唱片中,肮脏歌曲的出现频率几乎堪与情歌、挽歌相当。During the early days of recorded blues, raunchy songs were recorded nearly as often as love songs and laments.

然而,这项有由当权者推动的变更的反对者则认为,把这种情况只归咎于淫秽动漫作品是不公平的。Still, opponents of the latest move by authorities argue it is unfair to blame the situation only on raunchy comics.

好莱坞女演员詹妮弗。安妮斯顿使脱口秀节目主持人大卫。莱特曼大吃一惊,因为她送了一条最近拍的一张写真照里戴过的领带给他。Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston shocked talk show host David Letterman by giving him the tie she wore in a recent raunchy photo shoot.

渐渐生活懒散,不爱整洁,不修边幅,食欲减退或饮食无度,白天睡眠,晚上失眠,呈睡眠倒错。Live gradually slack, do not love neat, raunchy , anorexia or food are excessive, by dayMorpheus, in the evening insomnia, showMorpheuswrong.

有一天我朋友直接从那男人手里夺过了手机,当拿到手,一条信息就来了,里面全是一个女的发给他的一些猥琐照片。One day, she just snatched it from him, and as soon as she had it in her hand, a message comes in, from a girl, sending him very raunchy photos.

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相反,别看男性的脸总是一副不修边幅的样子,却更能抵抗沧桑岁月的侵袭。Contrary, the face that does not see the man always is a pair of raunchy appearance, can resist more however the descent of years of vicissitudes of life.

故事改编自美国著名作家约翰芬特的同名著作,以美国经济大萧条的三十年代为背景,描述一个于洛杉矶发生的爱情故事。Based on novelist John Fante's masterpiece, Towne's interpretation of Ask the Dust focuses on a city exotic and vulgar, glamorous and raunchy -a place of heat and dust.

虽然我是零伴娘前景智能获取金钱菲格从成功导演保罗的淫秽,不过我会屏住呼吸观看周末号码。While I have zero prospect of gaining monetarily from the success of director Paul Feig's raunchy , smart Bridesmaids, I will nonetheless watch the weekend numbers with bated breath.