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他是一个五星级饭店的大厅副理。He is a concierge at a five-star hotel.

我非常熟悉礼宾部的接待工作。I am familiar with the work of Concierge.

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您可以到礼宾部领取您的包裹。You can pick up your parcel at the concierge.

我公司是一家在美国礼宾部。Our company is a Concierge in the United States.

我的妻子对酒店门童微笑,他也以微笑回报。My wife smiles at the concierge and he smiles back.

周总理经常强调礼宾司工作无小事。Premier zhou concierge working there often stressed.

长途包车价格请向礼宾部查询。Please contact Concierge for details of Long Distance Car Hire.

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精英会是世界上领先的礼宾服务之一。Quintessentially is one of the world's leading concierge services.

如果您需要任何信息或协助,请打电话到礼宾部。Should you need any information or assistance, please call Concierge.

那门房关上门,让腾格拉尔夫人站在街上。The concièrge closed the door, leaving Madame Danglars in the street.

游船上的礼宾员说我们原本是不能离船的。We weren't supposed to leave the boat. That's what the concierge said.

家庭及孩子们的活动均由门房组织策划。Family and children's activities can be arranged through the concierge.

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我会让礼宾部来为你安排私人导购。I'll send up the concierge , he can arrange a personal shopper for you.

礼宾员眼睛瞪着我们说,“我告诉过你们不要下船。”"I told you not to leave the boat, " the concierge said, glaring at us.

如果不行的话,可以试一下那些更贵的酒店,付一点小费给门童。Failing that, try the concierge at a more expensive hotel, and tip them.

活动免费,参与画画活动请先至商场一楼服务台报名。Please turn to 1F concierge for free application for the painting activity.

监督其他宾客关系部及行政酒廊员工的工作。To supervise the other guest relations and the concierge lounge attendants.

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如果你想得到关于当地旅游目的地的信息,你可以去虚拟的酒店礼宾部咨询。When you want advice on local attractions, you turn to a virtual concierge.

礼宾部主管将安排一名当班司机驾车送客人到机场。The Chief Concierge will assign drivers available at that time for the journey.

酒店还提供24小时客房服务。酒店外不远处就是芝加哥各处景点。The hotel also features 24-hour concierge services and a casual Cafe restaurant.