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什么是本地话、洋泾浜、混合语?What is vernacular? Pidgin? Creole?

白话文学,这是什么?Vernacular literature, what is this?

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宗教作品从拉丁文被转化成当地的土话。Religious works were converted from Latin into the vernacular.

当时,作为一种文学创作形式,白话文小说一直受世人冷眼。vernacular fiction was scorned as a disreputably popular form.

是啊,到了近现代就是白话文了。Yes, till modern history, modern vernacular Chinese is popular.

白话诗语言欠精练,是与生俱来之病。The born weakness of vernacular poems is the unrefined language.

罗德尼金在1991年的这一声呼吁,已成为我们国家常用语。Rodney King's 1991 plea has become part of our nation's vernacular.

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传统方法以方言名称和描述的方式来辨认原材料。Tradition identifies materials by vernacular names and descriptions.

在好莱坞的俗话中,心跳停止被称为“flatlining。”In the lay vernacular of Hollywood, asystole is known as “flatlining.”

理性的声音“,代表着普遍,和方言的特点。The sound of sense." It represents common and vernacular elements of speech.

嘻哈文化的语言是过去和新近流行词语的延伸。The language of hip-hop culture is an extension of past and recent vernacular.

指现代汉民族共同语的书面语言。Vernacular Chinese is the written language commonly used by modern Han people.

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新文体打开了晚清白话文热潮的闸门。The new style and opened the gates of the late Qing dynasty the vernacular boom.

这些理论的提出为白话文的出现提供了指导。These theories proposed for the emergence of the vernacular to provide guidance.

汉语普通话第二人称代词尊称“您”的用法源于北京话。The second personal pronoun "nin" in mandarin is originated from Beijing vernacular.

我打算扩展包括软件资源拥有者在内的这些概念。I tend to extend the vernacular to include the owner of the software asset, such that

而白话非律联则有彻底挣脱平仄束缚的趋势。On the contrary, vernacular unmetric couplet tends to break up the bandage of metres.

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他详细论述白话八点益处,充分论证白话为本。He discussed in detail the eight benefits of vernacular , full proof-based vernacular.

同时,它提倡语言的欧化,丰富了现代汉语。Meanwhile, its advocacy of Europeanized language helped enrich the vernacular Chinese.

在美国土话中,常把被人愚弄形容成“僵化了。An American who has been short-changed would complain in the vernacular of being "stiffed".