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湖州街,是此次停运规模最大的地点。Huzhou street, is the largest site outage.

网络故障总共持续了两周多。The network outage lasted more than 2 weeks in total.

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这个网站无法获得归结于计划的维护储运损耗。This Web site is unavailable due to a planned maintenance outage.

东北线、仙石线和仙山线均双向停运。North East Line, Sengoku-way line and the lines are outage Senzan.

市中心的部分地区禁行,公交车和地铁停运。Forbidden lines in parts of the city center, bus and subway outage.

这也还不错,只要你在下次断线前记得先设定好。Which is fine, if you remember to set it up before the next outage.

两宗炸弹袭击事件致使通往该地区的14列火车停运。Resulting in two bomb attacks in the region 14 leading to the train outage.

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计人感应雷击计算的总跳闸次数更接近实际运行值。The total lightning outage rate is closer to the the practical running result.

思玉定的约会地点是一家咖啡馆,那里正好停电,除了柜台上点着几支蜡烛,狭长的店堂里几乎漆黑一片。There was a power outage at the coffee shop where Siyu had suggested they meet.

它可以处理整个数据中心电源断电以及单个服务器故障的情况。It will handle a full data-center power outage as well as a single server failure.

最近由于发生日凌,会短时间影响卫星信号。Take place sun outage recently, can short time influence the signal of satellites.

大规模的断电让服务器以及云计算的存在受到了质疑。The massive outage raised questions about the reliability of AWS and the cloud itself.

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弹簧确保夹持器在断电时不会使有效负荷掉落。The spring ensures the gripper will not drop its payload in the event of a power outage.

2003年纽约市大规模供电中断,造成了当地腹泻病症的大量增加。An increase in diarrheal illness in New York City followed a massive power outage in 2003.

同时,可靠性保险也把停电损失风险转移给了供电公司。Meanwhile, reliability insurance transfers the risk of outage loss to power supply company.

这样,一切准备就绪后,只需短暂的停用即可开始使用备用实例。Then, when you're ready, you can have a short outage to start using the alternate instance.

2003年在纽约发生大面积停电后,腹泻疾病便接踵而至。A massive power outage in New York in 2003 was followed by an increase in diarrhoeal illness.

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依此方案施工,既保证了旧线路安全运行前提下的新线路施工,又减少了用户的停电时间。As a result, it is ensured that existing lines operation safe and reduced outage time of users.

如果站点的响应速度非常慢,这几乎和完全失效一样糟糕,因为爬行器是按进度计划运行的。Almost as bad as a complete outage is very slow response time because spiders are on a schedule.

锅炉管子故障是造成火电机组强迫停机的主要原因。The forced outage of fossil-fired power machines is mainly caused by the failure of boiler pipe.