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法团主义是一种新的市民社会理论。Corporatism is a new kind of theory on civil society.

现在民族主义、社团主义和民众的不满令我们担忧。We are worried about today's mix of nationalism, corporatism and popular discontent.

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孙中山合作主义包括广义合作与狭义合作思想。Sun Yat-sen's corporatism includes a generalized cooperation and a narrow cooperation.

金丝雀码头,现代资本主义的标志,现在却成为国有企业的图腾。Canary Wharf, an icon of modern capitalism, is now a totem of state-funded corporatism.

这是权贵资本主义,而且,不仅没有给经济带来稳定,反而彻底破坏了经济的稳定性。That is crony corporatism and instead of being a force for economic stabilization, it totally undermines it.

这一思潮在各个不同的历史时期有不同的表现形态,但却存在一些共同的理论特征。The varieties of corporatism in varied limes are the same or similar with each other in theoretic character.

有趣的是政客们这样使用自由市场的术语来正义化更多的社团主义。It is fascinating that politicians would use the language of the free market in this way to justify more corporatism.

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两家公司在纷争由政府来调停这个问题上感到不安——早熟法团主义的征兆。And both companies have become disturbingly comfortable letting their jousts be mediated by Washington -- a sign of precocious corporatism.

合作主义多用于社会学、政治学研究宏观层面的国家与社会间关系。In the field of sociology and political science, corporatism has been used in the research of the macro-level relationship between state and society.

而社团主义模式是多元主义模式的延伸,倡导一种商业组织、政府和劳工间的合作关系。And Corporatism extends the meanings of Multi-formalism. Corporatism theory calls for cooperation among commercial organization government and employee.

分配主义者和补贴主义者的观点鼓励了基尔特和协会的发展,在1920年在意大利曾经以墨索里尼的早期社团主义的形式非常繁荣。Distributist and subsidiarist ideas, encouraging guilds and associations, flourished for a time in 1920s Italy in the form of Mussolini's early corporatism.

本文首先对既有的合作主义研究成果中涉及政治秩序问题的论述从总体上进行了介绍,指出了本文的研究内容。First of all, this article introduces the research results that relate to the view of political order of corporatism in general, talks about the study contents.

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日本政治家长期对于改革持谨慎态度,回避挑战国家主义和它对出口的严重依赖。Japan’s politicians have long been timid on the need for reform, shying away from challenging the country’s prevalent corporatism or its massive export-dependence.

他们将寻求把国家与社团组织等谋求合作的组合主义注入金融改革、高科技产业的升级、气候变化对应政策以及欧盟希望在2010年着手的其他领域。They will seek to inject soggy corporatism into financial reform, the promotion of high-tech industry, climate-change policy and the other areas the EU wants to address in 2010.

分析了葡萄牙合作主义国家是在什么样的背景下形成的,及其究竟有哪些区别于其他右翼统治尤其是法西斯统治的特征。This paper is then devoted to the background in which the Portuguese corporatism was formed and its features which made it distinctive from other right wings especially fascism.

本文以日本审议会机制为基础,从微观制度层面分析了合作主义框架下的利益协调机制的运用。Based on Japanese council system and in the micro system level, the dissertation analyzes the application of the system of interests intermediation in the framework of corporatism.

民营经济的发展、法律对政府的制约作用是保证由“合作主义”路径走向治理的必要条件。The development of private economy and the restriction on government's interference by legislation are necessary conditions to ensure the path from corporatism to proper governance.

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“合作主义”提倡的是和谐、一致的社会秋序,政府与中介组织的互动性发展便是对这一“主义”的践行。The corporatism advocates a harmonious and consistent social order and the interactive development between the government and intermediary organizations is the practice of corporatism.

皖中地区地方市场尚未发育成熟,乡镇公司主义治理模式的后果是乡镇的经营性负债和对农民生产自主性的干预。The local market in Anhui is not mature, the consequences of corporatism governance model is the rural debt and the intervention of countryside government into the autonomy of farmers.

东欧马克思主义的市民社会理论则伴随着对阶级的重新定义,其结果便是无力建构起理想的市民社会模式,无力积极回应法团主义这一新的市民社会理论。Marxism in Eastern Europe champions a civil society with redefinition of "class", which can only result in the failure to set up an ideal civil society and respond to corporatism actively.