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这个症状叫臀肌失忆症。This is called gluteal amnesia.

结果臀肌挛缩症与肌肉注射关系十分密切。Results This is a disorder of contracture of gluteal muscles.

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可以有两种形式,第一种是腹部肥胖型,第二种是臀肌肥胖型。It can be of 2 types, first is Abdominal obesity and second is Gluteal obesity.

目的探讨一种更适合于治疗臀肌挛缩症的手术方式。Objective To explore a better surgical mode to tr eat gluteal muscle contracture.

—她骨盆和髋关节的构造说明她的臀部肌肉生长适应直立行走的方式Pelvis and hip show the gluteal muscles were positioned so she could walk upright

方法15例小儿臀部侵袭性纤维瘤病全部行手术切除。Methods 15 cases of desmoid tumors of gluteal region were studied retrospectiveiy.

本文报告了64例儿童臀肌挛缩症手术治疗的几点体会。The effeets of surgical treatment of gluteal fibrosis in 64 children were reported.

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每月维持剂量可以注射在三角肌或臀肌。Monthly maintenance doses can be administered in either the deltoid or gluteal muscle.

通过结扎股静脉及臀下静脉造成膝骨关节炎模型。Knee osteoarthritis models were made by ligating the femoral and inferior gluteal veins.

目的探讨臀肌挛缩症的手术方法。Objective To investigate the surgical method for treatment of gluteal muscular contracture.

肩部向下,臀肌收缩,将臀部抬起悬于空中。Keep your shoulders down, and contract your gluteal muscles to push your hips up in the air.

本文还就臀中肌及其筋膜解剖特点与臀中肌筋膜综合症的关系进行了讨论。The clinical significance of the symptom of the gluteal medial muscular nerve was discussed.

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臀中肌前部纤维挛缩是导致骨盆倾斜的病因。The contraction of the anterior part of middle gluteal muscle was the reason of pelvis obliquity.

爬台阶有助于提升和收紧臀肌、股四头肌,以及腿筋。Steps work wonders for lifting and tightening the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings.

目的探讨臀肌筋膜挛缩症手术并发症的原因及预防方法。Objective To investigate the causes of complications in gluteal muscles contracture surgery and the countermeasure.

目的报道臀肌松解术治疗臀肌挛缩症的手术方法及治疗效果。Objective To investigate the causes of complications in gluteal muscles contracture surgery and the countermeasure.

目的探讨采用傍针刺加拔火罐法治疗腰臀肌筋膜炎的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of proximal needling and ventouse treating lumbar gluteal myofascitis.

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目的应用超声影像诊断臀肌筋膜挛缩症,并与临床分型对比观察。Objective Apply supersonic of the diagnosis of gluteal muscle contracture and observe the clinical classification and comparison.

一个9岁的小男孩被发现有肘关节的进行性伸展性挛缩,同时并发有经微的臀肌挛缩。A 9-year-old boy was found to have progressive extension contracture of the elbows associated with mild bilateral gluteal fibrosis.

术中重点探查臀大肌、臀中肌的挛缩情况并视具体情况行松解或肌腱延长术。In operation we emphasized in the situation of contracture of gluteal muscles, then cut the contracture tract or extended the tendon.