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反对党获得62个席位。The Opposition won 62 seats.

他们让反对派说话。They let the opposition speak.

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我们已击破了一切反对势力。We have beaten down all opposition.

他猛烈抨击反对派。He declaimed against the opposition.

这种相对性将如何显现出来呢?How does the opposition manifest itself?

它将限制任何反对或批评。It will gag any opposition or criticism.

那么保罗福音的对立面是什么?What is the opposition to Paul's gospel?

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如果反对派解除武装,很好。If the opposition disarms, well and good.

反对促使我们进一步努力。Opposition inspired us to further efforts.

反对党现已成为合法组织。Opposition parties have now been unbanned.

这些结果或许会令反对党受到鼓舞。They are likely to hearten the opposition.

人类正在与污染进行着斗争。Man is fighting a battle opposition dirtying.

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反对派议员在立法会的60席中占23席。Opposition lawmakers hold 23 of the 60 seats.

这名参议员猛烈抨击反对派。The senator declaimed against the opposition.

他们企图用叫喊声压倒反。They are trying to shout down the opposition.

柠檬摇起坐县集市的特点。Lemon shake-ups Properties opposition boycott.

他们已经说服她不再反对。Their persuasion has worn down her opposition.

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打硬仗的好选择。Very good option against difficult opposition.

一种更好地办法是吧所有相关产品都研发出来。A better bet is to out-innovate the opposition.

时事移易,反对派分裂为两大阵营。Over time, the opposition split into two camps.