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淡淡的麝香味的古龙水。Some light, musky cologne.

闻起来不像是古龙水的味道。It didn't smell like cologne.

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你有男用的古龙香水吗?Do you have any men's cologne?

我会送一小瓶古龙香水。I'll get a little bottle of cologne.

可能还要再喷点科隆香水哦。Maybe spritz on a little cologne too!

咦,艾美的那瓶古龙水呢?Why, where is Amy's bottle of cologne?

他们打了太多的喷鼻水或喷鼻膏。They just wear too much perfume or cologne.

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如果你们在外面见面,就挑款好的古龙水。And if you're out and about, use a good cologne.

使用腋下除臭剂,少用些古龙香水。Use underarm deodorant, and go easy with cologne.

发出古龙水、烟草,以及他们那些洋基大麻精的恶臭。Stink of cologne and baccy, and all their Yankee hash.

科隆市可以从举办下届WCG中获得什么利益呢?What benefits can Cologne expect from holding the WCG?

我还记得她用的克隆水的味道。I can still remember the smell of the cologne she used.

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德国中西部城市,科隆东北偏北。A city of west-central Germany north-northeast of Cologne.

但太多古龙水或香水也好不到哪去。Too much cologne or perfume, however, can be just as bad.

天启式的种族灭绝和“别轻信古龙水?对啊,-是的。Apocalyptic genocide and "go easy on the cologne"?Yeah. yes.

我们的导游正在伦敦南岸的一个圣诞市场呢?I'm at Cologne Christmas Market, on the Southbank in London.

“太婆,看,香水,”埃莉诺举起了一瓶香水。"Look, Nanny, perfume, " Eleanor holds up a bottle of cologne.

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男士则拍一些刮胡水或是男性古龙水在脸上。Men may splash on after-shave lotion or manly-smelling cologne.

寻找便宜的价格从香水和古龙香水的品牌和选择。To find the cheap prices of perfumes, cologne and brand options.

网上交易专用费洛蒙香水知名品牌包括科隆香水。Branding on the Internet and includes perfume "pheromone" cologne.