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法国经济增长疲弱,接近零增长。France's growth is weak to nonexistent.

在俄罗斯中产阶级基本不存在You've got a practically nonexistent middle class.

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一个不存在的日期自然也就没有星期几。A nonexistent date certainly does not have a day of the week.

尽管如此,因为食用石头鱼而导致死亡的案例则非常罕见,接近于零。However, human death from eating stonefish is rare to nonexistent.

在慢性疼痛的病人,这个机制不完整或不存在。In chronic-pain patients, this mechanism is faulty or nonexistent.

被误认为是实际上并不存在的所谓神密疾病所造成的。That is mistakenly attributed to a nonexistent mysterious disease.

同样的,其他水资源商品的市场也大抵不存在。Markets for other water products are, meanwhile, mainly nonexistent.

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利用用例,这些容易出错的行为几乎不存在。With use cases, these error-prone activities are nearly nonexistent.

你注意到停车库的灯几乎是不存在的吗?Have you noticed that the lighting in the garage area is almost nonexistent?

值此经济有难之时,有谁用真金白银买那根本不存在的东西吗?In these times of economic trouble, who'd spend real money on nonexistent goods?

10年前,绿色食品在中国还几乎是不存在的,如今却需求旺盛。Organic foods--nearly nonexistent in China a decade ago--are now in high demand.

这些问题都如此微不足道,实际上它使得我们根本不存在的下巴都掉下来了。These questions are so trivial that it actually makes our nonexistent jaws drop.

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在这个不存在的游戏里,单人战役长达“创纪录的17,250小时”。In this nonexistent game, the single-player campaign lasts “a record 17, 250 hours.”

这样一来,所有的新方法要做的就是实现比没有选择余地时做得更好。That way, all the new approach has to do is be better than a nonexistent alternative.

开拓型公司是指率先创建前所未有的市场的公司。A pioneering company is one that is the first to create a previously nonexistent market.

但是他已经可以建立一个并不存在的学生的文件,他把这个账号搞怪的命名为上帝。But he was able to set up a file for a nonexistent student, whom he whimsically named God.

新华控股一位发言人上周五说,公司与新华社之间的关系实际上已经不存在。A company spokesman said Friday links with the state news agency are virtually nonexistent.

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那是骗人的,我并没有感到工作上的压力,而且我根本没遇到爱情。That's bogus. I don't feel any stress at work, and my love life is practically nonexistent.

不用下载庞大客户端,更不存在机器配置不够的问题。Need not download giant client end, more nonexistent machine configures insufficient problem.

当然,如果文件不存在或者不可读,您可以期望一个负返回值。Of course, if the file is nonexistent or nonreadable, you can expect a negative return value.