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同时,它与现有的RTT测量有很好的互操作性。Meanwhile, it has a good interoperability with the current RTT measurement.

由于算法不需要实时计算RTT值,因而有着较广的应用范围。Since no real time RTT calculation is needed, this method has wide applications.

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最后仿真了两用户不同RTT时的状态轨迹和公平指数轨迹。At last it emulates the track of different RTT status and justice parameter by two users.

实验结果表明,用神经网络对RTT进行短期预测可以得到较为理想的结果。The experiment shows that using of neural network to predict RTT can gain quite ideal result.

当杨—巴克斯特方程的解给定时,由RTT关系即可建立量子群理论,它包括和量子代数。Giving as YBE's solution, quantum groups including and quantum algebras can be derived from RTT relation.

采用泊松采样使得采样过程更加随机,更能体现RTT的变化特征。Using the Poisson sampling, the sampling process is more random, and it can show RTT variation character well.

实验为RTD/HEMT串联型RTT性能的优化和RTD/HEMT单片集成电路的研制奠定了基础。This experiment lays a foundation for the optimization of RTT and RTD HEMT monolithic integration circuit development.

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改进TCP在发送者采用AIMD算法,并在其接收器采用了RTT预测补偿机制。The improved TCP adopts a modified AIMD algorithm in its sender and uses an RTT prediction and compensation mechanism in its receiver.

文章重点介绍了我国IMT-2000无线传输技术评估小组的构成情况以及开展IMT-2000研究活动的基本思路。The making up of Chinese IMT-2000 RTT Evaluating & Coordinating Group and the IMT-2000 research activities in China are introduced in this paper.

仿真结果表明,新的组合算法比基础算法提高了带宽利用率、RTT公平性和友好性。The simulation results show that a combination of the new algorithm than the algorithm-based enhanced bandwidth utilization, RTT fairness and friendliness.

HSTCP算法解决了传统TCP算法在高带宽时延积网络下的性能瓶颈,但HSTCP在拥塞点时会产生大量的数据包丢失,同时当队列管理为去尾算法时,存在着严重的RTT不公平性问题。HSTCP solves the primary limitations of regular TCP, but there exists large number of packet loss upon congestion epoch and serious RTT unfairness with drop-tail gateway.

试验结果证明,所提出的算法相比于原算法,具有能很快达到稳定,稳定后的预测误差小,对RTT变化的响应快等特点,提高了传输性能。The results show that the algorithm quickly stabilizes , has a very small prediction error, and quickly responds to RTT changes, so it can improve transmission performance.

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采用湿法化学腐蚀、金属剥离、台面隔离和空气桥互连技术,研制了RTD/HEMT串联型RTT,并对RTT及RTT中RTD和HEMT的直流特性进行了测试。RTT was fabricated using wet chemical etching, metal lift-off, mass isolation, and air bridge technologies. The device has a distinct gate-controlled negative differential resistance.

主要表现为在高速网络环境下,现有的协议算法不能保证低的包丢失率和低的时延及时延抖动等服务质量需求。It is mainly exhibited as in the high bandwidth network environment, the current protocol algorithms can't guarantee nicer service quality of low packet loss rate, RTT and dithering of RTT.

与普通TCP相比,其流量抖动较平缓并且可以在TCP连接具有不同RTT时提高带宽分配的公平性,因此适合于承载多媒体应用。Compared with the normal TCP, its send rate changes smoothly, and it can improve fairness of TCP in the heterogeneous RTT case. The improved TCP is suitable to carry multimedia applications.