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究竟谁需要婚姻?Belinda Luscombe, " Who Needs Marriage?

贝琳达坐在她身边,感到有点心虚。Belinda sat beside her, looking guilty.

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贝琳达2月8号到达了巴基斯坦。Belinda arrived in Pakistan on February 8.

医生们尽力去救贝琳达但没有成功。Doctors tried to revive Belinda but without success.

隔了这麽久才收到你的信,贝琳达喜出望外。Belinda was overjoyed to hear from you after so long.

作为一个驾车新手,比琳达尽力避免发生事故。As a new driver, Belinda tries her best to avoid accidents.

贝琳达当时就坐在我车的后座上。"Belinda was sitting in the back seat of my car, " said Saeed.

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叶海亚汗的家人说,贝琳达改信伊斯兰教嫁给了亚汗。Yahya's family say Belinda converted to Islam and married Yahya.

盖瑞正在和百琳达讨论一篇报告,他要她尽快地完成。Gary discusses a report he needs Belinda to write as soon as possible.

贝琳达安葬在一个金箔装饰的坟墓。Belinda Khan is buried in the village in a grave decorated with tinsel.

夏洛蒂和比琳达从门里溜出来,轻轻把门关上。Charlott and Belinda crept out and closed the doors quietly behind them.

贝琳达答应嫁给赛义德,但他去英国得不到允许。Belinda agreed to marry Saeed but he could not get permission to travel to Britain.

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法官比琳达.安格宣布她会考虑各方辩辞,稍后作出裁决。Justice Belinda Ang said she would consider the arguments and issue her ruling later.

贝琳达告诉他,在他心情不好的时候可以从古兰诗经里寻求安慰。He said Belinda would tell him that he could seek solace in the Qur'an when he was upset.

伊丽莎白安巴特尔有两个孩子,贝琳达和约瑟夫,这本身没有什么特别的。Elizabeth Ann Buttle had two kids, Belinda and Joseph, which is nothing special in itself.

朋友们在网站上给了贝琳达很高的评价,一个人说道,”贝琳达是一个非常好的朋友和工作伙伴,一场悲剧结束了一个优秀人的生命。Friends added their tributes on a website. "Belinda was a great friend and work colleague.

你可得留心把你的男朋友们看住,不然的话贝琳达会把他们夺走的。You'll need to keep an eye on your boy-friends or Belinda will put your nose out of joint.

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贝琳达和克里夫在铁路工作,并且搬到离巴厘岛不远的一处平房居住。Belinda and Clive, who worked on the railways, moved to a bungalow not far from Barry Island.

贝琳达只好从加的夫搬到朗达谷庞特普里斯附近的伊尼希尔村。Belinda moved from Cardiff to the village of Ynyshir, near Pontypridd, in the Rhondda Valley.

上个星期一,2月22号,赛义德说,贝琳达晚上没有睡好,看上去不开心。Last Monday, February 22, Saeed said Belinda got up after a poor night's sleep and seemed sad.