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罗斯在可怕的昏迷中嚎叫。Los howl'd in a dismal stupor.

这个醉鬼昏迷不醒,倒在地上。The druken man fell to the floor in a stupor.

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最严重时,可呈木僵状态。The most serious, can be presented stupor state.

他一个人在醉乡里飘飘欲仙。He felt like a celestial being alone in a drunken stupor.

他们有时完全停机了,陷入了惊愕的状态。They sometimes shut down completely, falling into a stupor.

不久,她只感到陷入─种精疲力竭旳麻木状态。Then she felt herself go into a kind of stupor of exhaustion.

当他看来,他几乎一直是在喝醉酒的木僵。When he does appear, he is almost always in a drunken stupor.

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研究组考虑28例为意识模糊,3例为昏睡状态。There were 28 cases diagnosed as confusion, 3 cases as stupor.

随着威士忌酒力发作,他逐渐醉得不省人事。As the whisky took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.

梆梆的敲门声把她从昏迷中唤醒了。The noise of someone banging at the door roused her from her stupor.

息者突然呼吸急促,盘识脚胧甚至昏迷。The rest polypnoea, the plate knows the foot dim even stupor suddenly.

我告诉自己说,我听的事情,因为我的威士忌致木僵。I tell myself that, I'm hearing things, attributed to my whiskey induced stupor.

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结果16例病人经治疗15例恢复正常语言能力,1例呈木僵状态。Results 15 of the 16 cases got normal talking ability after therapy, one stupor state.

因此,一个等候耶和华的人是不会因为没有行动而漂入昏迷的。The person who waits for the Lord has therefore not drifted into a stupor of inaction.

我在空无的噪音、鳗鱼似的热度、昏愕的汁水、迷醉的伦巴和初生的红光中被顶起。I am jacked up on void noise, eel fevers, stupor juice, drunken rumbas and birth glows.

几个月前的一个晚上,有人偷走了这些文件,他因变成“黑户”而用伏特加把自己灌得麻木。Someone stole them one night a few months back when he'd blacked out in a vodka-induced stupor.

这阵富于感情的声音显然使可怜的女郎从恍恍惚惚的惊恐状态中惊醒。Apparently the expressive sound of human feeling recalled the poor girl from the stupor of fear.

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他是证券经纪人,有次他和一名客户一起参加除夕派对,结果喝得酩酊大醉。This stockbroker went out to a New Year's Eve partywith a client, and drank himself into a stupor.

最后,我决定,其时间击中浇水洞和欺骗了这个党通过木僵。Finally, I decide that its time to hit the watering hole and wile away this party through a stupor.

这时,迷离恍惚已经被焦急所代替,而焦急又开始使她感到了饥渴。By this time stupor had given place to anxiety , and anxiety began to make room for hunger and thirst.