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这是我的晒衣绳上。This was on my clothesline.

在晾衣绳上晒干衣服。Dry your clothes on a clothesline.

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湿衣服冻在晒衣绳上了。The wet clothes froze on the clothesline.

只要通过你的国家晾衣绳。Just go through your National Clothesline.

还有我的户外晾衣绳也给我省了钱。My outdoor clothesline saves me money, too.

坚持使用我们温和的朋友晒衣绳吧。Stick with our gentle friend the clothesline.

妈妈把衣服挂在晒衣绳上晒乾。Mother hangs the clothes on the clothesline at dry.

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他们还挂起了一根晾衣绳,将旧衣服挂在上面。They also strung up a clothesline to hang old clothes.

谭米把湿衣服吊在晒衣绳上晾干。Tammy hung the wet laundry out on the clothesline to dry.

当我们把湿的沙滩巾挂到晾衣绳上的时候,绳子就凹下来了。The clothesline sagged when we hung up our wet beach towels.

印度的工人们收集华丽色彩的布料――纱丽,在屋顶晒衣绳凉晒。Workers collect colorful laundry from a rooftop clothesline in India.

所以,你买房子,你也可以把它的阳台晒衣服。So you bought a house, you can also put it in the balcony Clothesline.

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马莎把毛巾挂在外面的晒衣绳上晾乾。Martha hung the towel outside on the clothesline in order to cry it out.

妈妈提着一篮子湿衣服,朝晾衣绳这边走来。His mommy was headed toward the clothesline with a basket of wet clothes.

到凉衣绳那儿还要从乱草中走来走去,那么费事,简直让人受不了。I just can't stand thrashing through these weeds to get to the clothesline.

我来到本地的凯马特百货商店,想要买晾衣绳和夹子。I went down to the local kmart and looked for a clothesline and clothespin.

于是,我决定在后院里拉起一条晾衣绳,这可是个前所未有的决定呢!So, I decided to put up a clothesline in my backyard for the first time ever.

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你也可以用过碳酸钠,但我宁愿用晾衣绳使它们自然亮白。You can use Oxyclean on them, too, but I prefer the clothesline to whiten them naturally.

她吩咐他们把院子里的杂草割掉,给她割出一条通向凉衣绳的小路。She asked them to chop down the weeds in the yard and make a path for her to the clothesline.

墨西哥的一个年轻人主旨正试图创在一个世界最晒衣绳的记录。A youth organization in Mexico is trying to set the record for the world's longest clothesline.