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磷酸虾油也给你的健康带来足够大的效益。Krill oils have also proved to have enormous health benefits.

然而,磷虾油所含的奥美加-3脂肪酸都是附在磷脂的结构当中。The omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil are bound to phospholipids.

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海洋里有大量的叫做磷虾的微小海洋动物。The ocean contains huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called Krill.

广告布瑞雷说,这个发现革命化了磷虾生物学的前景。Brierley says that the find revolutionizes the view of krill biology.

南乔治亚有一种特殊的施与,它是磷虾的河流。If South Georgia has a special dispensation, it is this river of krill.

一些种类的企鹅吃小的甲壳类的类虾--磷虾。Some kinds of penguins eat a small shrimp-like crustacean called krill.

请食用高品质的动物性欧米加3脂肪酸如磷虾油。Take a high quality source of animal-based omega 3 fats like Krill Oil.

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磷虾河似乎每十年有一次或两次周期性地出现流向错误。Periodically, once or twice a decade, the river of krill seems to go astray.

鳞虾已经被用在一些渔产品中,如鱼和罐头螃蟹。Krill are already in some fish products, such as fish sticks and canned crab.

磷虾游弋其中,后面跟着一大群鲱鱼。Krill swam with the plankton , a school of young menhaden swam after the krill.

企鹅和海豹则在结冰的海岸上繁衍后代,并在冰冷的海水中捕食磷虾。Penguins and seals breed on the icy shores and fish for krill in the cool water.

2004年在南乔治亚是一个磷虾欠收的年份,而2009年已经是一个相当低谷的年份了。The year 2004 was a poor krill year at South Georgia, and 2009 has been a very bad one.

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一种似乎具有很大收获可能性的微小的虾状浮游生物被称为鳞虾。One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimplike creature called krill.

一种似乎具有很大收获可能性的微小的虾状浮游生物被称为鳞虾。One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimp-like creature called krill.

如果它们一直待在表层,它们会冲刷湾内的珊瑚礁并最终冲掉礁石进入宽阔的安全开放海域。If the krill stayed at the surface, they'd wash over the bay's coral walls and out to the safety of the open sea.

是国内最大的南极磷虾生物制品研发企业。It is the largest enterprise specializing in the research and development of Antarctic Krill Bio-products in China.

磷虾的分布比任何人设想的都更零散,但在这一带却密集地成群活动。Krill distribution was patchier than anyone had imagined, but dense schools of the small crustaceans were plainly here.

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磷虾油源自于南极和北极太平洋的磷虾,类似小虾的甲壳网动物。Krill oil is extracted from krill, a small shrimp-like crustacean originated from the Antarctic and North Pacific Oceans.

浮游生物是生活在水中的一切,包括磷虾和藻类,它们小到不能逆流而行。Plankton is essentially anything living in water that is too small to swim against the current, including krill and algae.

在南极洲的冬天,海湾的水面都被冻住了,它们就会去捕捉冰层下面的磷虾为食。When the gulf waters freeze over during the Antarctic winter, they hunt for the krill that lives underneath the ice surface.