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第一个患者是一名4嵗零10个月大的男孩伴有手足搐搦和矮小。The first was a boy aged 4 years 10 months with tetany and dwarfism.

后肢轻度抽搐,蹒跚,卧地,间歇性抽搐。Mild Tetany of hind limbs, staggering, falling and intermittent convulsions.

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搐搦症是一种激发全身所有神经末梢的抽筋。Tetany is a type of cramping which activates all of the nerve endings in the body.

搐搦症是一种激起全身所有神经末梢的抽筋。Tetany is a type of cramping which activates all of the nerve endings in the body.

应用葡萄糖酸钙和安定可迅速有效地缓解手足搐搦。To apply calcium gluconate and valium can alleviate the tetany quickly and efficiently.

低血钙的症状是易于发现的,如手足抽搐、癫痫发作、神志改变禾郗鸣。Hypocalcemia can present dramatically as tetany seizures altered mental status or stridor.

低血钙的症状是易于发现的,如手足抽搐、癫痫发作、神志改变禾郗鸣。Hypocalcemia can present dramatically as tetany seizures altered mental status or stridor.

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搐搦症抽筋同时也会影响全身不同肌肉和部位神经系统的其它功能。Tetany cramps also affect other nerve functions of different muscles and areas of the body.

如果存在肌肉痉挛的症状,有时需要补充钙镁。Calcium or magnesium supplements may occasionally be needed if tetany or muscle spasms are present.

速尿增加尿中钙,可降低血清钙水平和案件手足搐搦已报告。Furosemide increases urinary excretion of calcium, may lower serum calcium levels and cases of tetany have been reported.