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这种反射作用常常会产生。Such reflexion are common occurrences.

FS是由地震的震动工作原理。FS- Reflexion works with a seismic vibration system.

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冰冻泡泡是类似泡泡龙的游戏…Frozen bubble jeu flash en ligne gratuit jeu de reflexion.

她所有的诗的途径更深入的反思和冥想。All her poems are pathways to deeper reflexion and meditation.

我不知道…我觉得如今的音乐往往缺乏严肃的艺术态度。I think that today's music lacks a serious artistic reflexion.

目前多半采用收敛图方法确定起始套反射。The convergence method has been applied for determination of starting reflexion set.

驯弓是做弓种最重要地部分,所以我像一些反曲是合适地。Tillering is the most important part of making a bow, so I think some reflexion is in order.

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文化行业之间的差异正是不同文化行业特征的集中反映。The difference among different cultural trades is virtually the centralized reflexion of their characteristics.

具体地来说,那就意味着你会比往常更加松散,更倾向于用基本的放松。Concretely, that implies that you will be more inattentive than ordinary, much more inclined with the basic reflexion.

利用动态反射法对手性液晶材料的选择性反射特性进行了分析。Using the dynamical reflexion theory, the selective reflection characters of cholesteric liquid crystals are analyzed.

FS是探测地下的像洞,燃料库的空洞,隧道或地下室窖的一个地球物理学的测定器具。FS- Reflexion is a geophysical measuring instrument to locate subterranean voids like caves, bunkers, tunnels or basement vaults.

对比强烈的蓝色和白色反射内心冲突的孩子不容易被说服。They like dark blue, blue, pale yellow. Contrast of black and white – reflexion of internal conflict a child cannot consult in any way.

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马赛码头反射出地域和城市、过去和未来、用户和居民之间的关系,也是他们彼此相遇的地方。The Marseilles Docks as a place of reflexion and meeting between territory and city, past and future, users and inhabitants of the place.

在相角测定中,起始套反射的确定成为测定结构成功与否的关键。For determination of the phase, the selection of starting reflexion set is a key problem for successful analysis of the crystal structures.

作为确认的后续故事,回复意味着信息双方彼此的责任,同时也是降低风险的必要手段,从而必须。Reflexion is necessary for we should be responsible for each other, which is the after-story of confirmation. Fatherly, such is also a way to avoid risk.

这种从属关系可以成为我们的拯救,但是自然势力仍然迫使你追求内在的欲望,结果只剩下你诚恳的心愿的一个影子。This subordination is what can become redemption, despite, the nature is pursuing in you innate desire, to become what is only vague reflexion of your candid wish.

半刚性基层沥青路面作为过渡层时,可以有效改善半刚性基层收缩裂缝的反射裂缝的发生。Unbound aggregate base can efficiently retard the reflexion of cracks to asphalt pavement surface, which is aroused by the shrinkage crack of semi-rigid base in the inverted structure.

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第二部分着重反思人格转型的前提,即分析制约当代中国人人格转型的内部因素和外部条件,并给出现代人格的评价标准。In second part, the emphasis is on the reflexion of the personality transfer. That means to analyze the interior factors and exterior conditions, which restricts China's personality transfer.