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均衡校正实际上是地壳厚薄不均的校正。The isostatic correction is actually the correction for crust thickness.

在均衡校正中有时将其作为软流层的顶部。Involved in isostatic correction sometimes taken as the top of the asthenosphere.

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其他一些工艺,如消失模铸造,模压铸造和热等静压铸造也会在本文涉及。Other processes such as lost foam, squeeze casting, and hot isostatic pressing are also mentioned.

热均衡挤压粉末通常封装在金属容器内有时也装在玻璃容器内。Hot Isostatic Pressing Powders are usually encapsulated in a metallic container but sometimes in glass.

本发明实施方式提供了一种动力电池组的均衡补偿方法及装置。The embodiment of the invention provides an isostatic compensation method and device of a power battery pack.

在这一过渡带内水热活动剧烈,重力也不均衡。In this transitional zone, hot water activity is very strong and the gravity field is not in isostatic equilibrium.

它是在褶皱冲断带负载的作用下,岩石圈通过区域性均衡调整及流变挠曲而形成的。They were formed through regional isostatic adjustment and Theological flexure under the load of fold-thrust belts.

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均衡状态是评价一个地区现今地壳构造活动性的一个重要标志。The isostatic state is an important criterion for evaluating the contemporary crustal structural activities in an area.

再加热并施加均衡压力足以使容器和粉末都塑性变形。It is then heated and subjected to isostatic pressure sufficient to plastically deform both the container and the powder.

用这个系统可以计算自由空间重力异常,布格重力异常和均衡重力异常值。With this system one can compute the values of free-air gravity anomaly, Bouguer gravity anomaly and isostatic gravity anomaly.

还有一些工艺如热均衡挤压,将压实和烧结工艺合并为单一步骤。There are some processes such as hot isostatic pressing which combine the compaction and sintering processes into a single step.

均衡重力异常显示出中短波长特性,反映的是地壳上地幔物质分布的失衡和物质调整的动力学特征。Isostatic geoid anomaly has removed effect of shallow crust substance asymmetry, reflects substance distribution of deeper earth.

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介绍了热等静压的优点和工艺技术及其在磁性材料、陶瓷等领域中的应用。Advantages, and techniques of hot isostatic presses and its application in the field of magnetic material, and ceramics are introduced.

认为该区第四纪以来所表现的间歇性拱曲上升运动,是与地球内部物质均衡调整过程相联系的。It is held that the intermittent arch uplift shown in the area since Quaternary is related to isostatic adjustment of interior material.

我公司生产的氧化铝陶瓷管主要采用德国DORST等静压机成型,WISTRA高温梭式窑炉烧制而成。Our company produce alumina ceramic tubes used mainly in Germany DORST isostatic molding machine, WISTRA- high-temperature shuttle kiln fired.

本文提出了地壳的构造运动,本质上是地壳与岩层的均衡差运动。The paper puts out the crustal tectonic movement, in fact, that is isostatic differential stress movement between the crust and the rock stratum.

晚期转变为大范围的整体沉降,显示重力均衡和补偿过程是从浅往深发展的。The late stage of subsidence was featured by a large-scale and whole motion, indicating the isostatic compensation mechanism at depth became dominant.

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分析了等静压干法成型棒形产品的上釉缺陷,认为釉裂缺陷的主要原因是施釉工艺问题。The glaze craze of solid core insulator fabricated by cold isostatic dry pressing is analysed. The glaze craze is attributed mainly to glazing technology.

研究了合金在真空烧结和热等静压烧结条件下的显微组织和力学性能。The microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy under the conditions of vacuum sintering and hot isostatic pressing sintering were investigated.

本文叙述了冷等静压-烧结-液体浸铜工艺制取高密度高性能钨-铜触头的工艺过程、工艺参数控制及使用设备。The process, technological parameters and equipments for producing W-Cu contact with isostatic pressure-sinter infiltration in copper bath were described.