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没有,他没有临阵脱逃。No, he didn't funk it.

他已经注意到我是个怂货。He has noticed already that I am in a funk.

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现在资本主义的国家有如惊弓之鸟。Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands.

但是Funk发现维生素的重要性仍是准确的。But Funk was correct in recognizing their importance.

那是一种轻音乐和放克的升级版本。It was an updated version of easy listening and funk.

这个月,市场迅速走出了恐惧状态。The markets have snapped out of their funk this month.

美国各地的高端房产都深陷低迷。Across America, high-end real estate is in a deep funk.

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这是一首老格兰德庞克铁路流行歌“火车头”。That song was the old Grand Funk Railroad hit 'Locomotion'.

我要告诉你的是我是如何摆脱对创业的恐惧的。Instead I'll tell you how I got out of my entrepreneurial funk.

楹联学会在这个自由爵士舞锻炼影片放克风格。Learn couplets jazz funk style in this free dancing workout video.

了解脚工作在这个自由爵士舞锻炼影片放克风格。Learn foot work jazz funk style in this free dancing workout video.

一种从斯台普斯中心冒出的失败气息其实是来自波士顿的拉简。郎多。The funk rising out of Staples Center came from Boston's Rajon Rondo.

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这砸单感受到了他们的第三张专辑,我们得到了它的芬克。This smashing single "Feel The Funk" off their third album We Got It.

韦斯莱双胞胎离开霍格沃茨之后,李变得有点消沉。When the Weasley twins left Hogwarts, they left Lee in a bit of a funk.

从恐惧到嘻哈,拉丁爵士乐,心情很有趣,现场音乐是太棒了。From funk to hip-hop, latino to jazz, the mood is fun and the live music is fantastic.

在过去,犯罪团伙成员们经常资助吸毒成性的爵士乐团来招募毒品经销商。In the past, gang members often subsidized drug-fueled funk parties to recruit dealers.

去杠杆化已经使实体经济收到影响,家庭努力使收支平衡。De-leveraging has put the real economy in a funk. Households struggle to make ends meet.

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“需求是显而易见的,而且远远超过我们目前的供应能力,”方克说。"The demand definitely is there and much greater than our supply at this point, " Funk said.

2008年,瑞士选手费德勒的日子还不怎么风光,可如今他已经一跃成为世界排名第二的网球选手。CURRENT world No 2 men`s tennis player Roger Federer of Switzerland spent much of 2008 in a funk.

这又使得我们谈到芬克以及稻壳和脚气之间的关系。This brings us back to Polish scientist Casimir Funk and the link between rice hulls and beriberi.