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你在找碴吗?。Are you baffling me?

对这种莫明其妙的事我们无法接受。We cannot accept the baffling thing.

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对于多数人而言,这是一大困惑。For many, this was baffling at first.

外国人肯定认为我们的轻浮举止不可理喻。I am sure foreigners must think our levity is baffling.

我一直病着,出现了一系列让人不解的症状。I was constantly ill, with a baffling array of symptoms.

他为什么讲这番话,真叫人莫名其妙。It is quite baffling why he should have made such remarks.

技术不断令人费解和淹没,我们与它的行话。Technology keeps baffling and inundating us with its jargon.

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从经验主义的观点看,这是一个令人困惑的局面。From an empiricist point of view, this is a baffling situation.

嗨,将我划到那些认为这种战略莫名其妙的人当中吧。Well, count me among those who find this strategy completely baffling.

这话说得沉着镇静,但也是够折磨人令人丧气的。This, spoken in a cool, tranquil tone, was mortifying and baffling enough.

现在,科学家们推测出这些螺类令人迷惑不解的推进方法。Now, scientists have puzzled out the snails' baffling method of propulsion.

VLAN是网络界最为热门同时也是最使人感到迷惑的话题。About the network, VLAN is a topic which is both most attactive and baffling.

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问题是,如果完全无法判明我们所遭遇的外星文明的来访意图,该怎么办?What if we encounter an alien civilization whose intentions are completely baffling?

有一个黑暗势力背后不败'莫名其妙古怪,他们先要找到它。There's a dark force behind the Poppers ' baffling antics and they've got to find it.

我可以应对女儿相对温和地发脾气,但实在对儿子的无理取闹感到没辙。Her temper tantrums are something I can relate to, but my son's are more baffling to me.

现在我是鸡女!詹尼那性别扭曲的公鸡开始生蛋,困惑科学家。Now I'm a chick! Gianni the gender-bending cockerill starts to lay eggs, baffling scientists.

看到它伸出的如手朝天的花瓣,莫名其妙地又一次心痛充满这个摇摇欲坠的世界。See it out of hand if the air petals, filled with a baffling heartache again this shaky world.

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“什么有反应了?”韩冷烟挠挠头,莫名其妙的往客厅里走。" What response?" Han Lengyan scratches his head, be rather baffling to the living room to go.

招待我们的男主人傲慢无礼。真不知道他温柔的妻子怎么能容忍这样一个讨厌的家伙。Our host was arrogant and offensive. How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling.

这多少能让朗博士高兴吧,这种想法对她来说,既困惑又不安。That this should somehow please Dr. Lang was a thought as baffling to her as it was discomforting.