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虽然,从法律上看,目前大多数集体企业…Although, from jural look, at present most cooperative.

国家不作为法律上的主体参加诉讼。The main body with national jural nonfeasance joins suit.

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意思自治是市场经济在法律上的必然选择。Meaning autonomy is market economy in jural inevitable choice.

党性原则是法制新闻的基本原则。The principle of Party property is the fundamental principle of jural news.

我国即将制定的民法典民事法律行为一章中应引入无效法律行为转换。This is what we call as the conversion of inefficient jural behavior system.

立法部门应研究这类新问题,消灭法律上的盲点。Legislative branch should study this kind of new issue, eliminate jural scotoma.

不过肯定不能说是剽窃,这在法律上说不通。Cannot saying for certain nevertheless is piracy, this is in jural say to be illogical.

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国家作为特殊类型的民事主体主要存在于物权法律关系中。As a special civil subject, the state mainly exists in the jural relation of right in rem.

在这里,就会遇到关于用户隐私的道义和法律上的两重责难。Here, can encounter the morality and justice about user privacy and jural double and accusing.

至于百度这样是否会导致不公正搜索,这在法律上是缺失的。Whether can bring about unfair search so as to Baidu, this is in jural it is to be short of break.

目前法律上缺乏行之有效的措施,才导致这一行为的被放纵。At present the measure of jural lack effective, just bring about what this group is to be indulged.

我们当然可以很快推出一个在法律上比较模糊的产品来捕捉这个缺口。We can roll out very quickly to be in of course jural more ambiguous product will catch this breach.

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如果我们能通过任何方法,断定法律概念的早期形式,这将对我们有无限的价值。If by any means we can determine the early forms of jural conceptions, they will be invaluable to us.

在国内法上,国家主要是一个观念的存在,通常不作为法律上的主体。On internal law, the country basically is the existence of an idea, the main body with normally jural nonfeasance.

未申请专利的、没有所有权,被他人任意使用的法律上不没有明文保护。Not of patent application, without droit, what be used by other random is jural do not protect without proclaimed in writing.

所以我想现在在产业政策上、法律上,行业治理方面要从产业的特性出发来做。So I want to be at present on industrial policy, jural , industry government field should set out from industrial character will do.

甘某认为,学校仅依据内部的规章制度剥夺她的受教育权,没有法律上的依据。The first point Gan raised was that Jinan University deprived her right to education by internal regulations without jural supports.

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结束语进一步明确了法官释法权的必要性、重要作用以及当代法治中国所要构建的法官释法权的模式。Conclusion further narrates the need and important role to the judge' s power of legal interpretation and the mode in our jural country.

所谓“层缘”是指一个组织所处的社会层以及所面对的社会关系、权力关系和权利义务关系。The so-called " stratum -relationship" means the social stratum and social relationship and power relation and jural relation of an organization.

判决理由是联结案件事实和判决结果的纽带,它为判决结果提供事实和法律依据。Sentential reason is a ligament of taching to the case fact and judicatory result, it provides the truth and jural evidence for the judicatory result.