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他对他妻子发号施令。He bossed his wife about.

我受不了经理的颐指气使。I can't stand being bossed around by the manager.

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我不喜欢让你或任何人差来遣去。I don't like being bossed about by you or anyone else.

自从他们结婚以来,她老是对他发号施令,跟他纠缠不休。She's bossed and nagged him ever since they got married.

跳板的表面被装上凸出物以防止滑动。The surface of the gangplank was bossed to prevent slipping.

没有人愿意被管束或被命令,更不用说被击败了。No one likes being bossed or dictated to, let alone defeated.

施工老板对老妇人的义举很感动,只收取了路灯的成本钱。The bossed was moved and had the lights installed only on the cost price.

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浮雕式边角设计,彰显尊容华贵。Bossed corner design brilliantly intensifies its features and luxurious appearance.

当人家把你的服事当作理所当然、支使你、把你当作下人看待时,你作何反应?How do you react when you're taken for granted, bossed around, or treated as an inferior?

由于我已经习惯了被女人指挥来指挥去,我们相处融洽。我想自己对她们还是有用的。I was used to being bossed around by women, so we got along well, and I think I was useful to them.

英国总督本想在此大肆掠夺一番,却发现这里的种植园主和商贾并没有那么容易就被人牵着鼻子走。Royal governors came to plunder but found that American planters and merchants could not easily be bossed around.

贝尼特斯的球队上半场45分钟发挥出色,他们完全值得取得领先,库伊特半场结束前首开纪录。Rafa Benitez's side bossed the opening 45 minutes at Anfield, and deservedly took the lead through Dirk Kuyt before the break.

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我是在“天空体育”上看的比赛,解说员不停的在说利物浦主宰了上半场比赛,他们比米兰要好。今天的报纸也是同一口径。垃圾!I watched it on Sky and they kept saying that Liverpool bossed the first-half and were the better team. Today's papers say the same. Rubbish!

某天晚上当他离开这里时,他会不会发现她正穿着短小紧身的战斗服,就像贝拉穿的那种有突起的D环状甲胄,同时她还在四处炫耀?Would he come out here one evening to find her parading around in some skimpy fighting costume, like Bela's bossed and D-ringed body harness?

米兰将在这个周末飞往利沃诺,这支球队是由前红黑军团传奇人物多纳多尼执教的。下周将会同墨西拿进行比赛。Milan entertain Messina next weekend, before Ancelotti takes his men to high-flying Livorno who are bossed by Rossoneri legend Roberto Donadoni.

首都的俱乐部拉其奥和保加利亚人联系在一起,德里奥·罗西过去在莱切和他合作过。The Bulgarian has been associated with the capital club seeing as Biancocelesti Coach Delio Rossi bossed the youngster while at Lecce in the past.

我们强有力的中场和后防让他们一筹莫展。本场全员都是最佳。Our defence and midfield totally bossed a physically strong side making them look fairly average. Man of the Match performances all over the pitch.

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除了必须在厨房里和壁炉边辛苦地干活,还得忍受其他家庭成员的辱骂,她就像个女奴一样,整天被使唤着打理家务琐事。She was to work hard in the kitchens and under the fireplace. Even though she was family, they treated her like dirt.She was bossed around to do all the household chores, like a slave.

由于控球时间的减少,佩特洛夫和贝拉米的拿球机会也开始稀少起来,埃弗顿因而控制了场面,他们利用各种各样的直传球绕过了曼城的中场防守,让对方无论是进攻还是防守都变得一团糟。The supply lines to Petrov and Bellamy became scarce as Everton bossed the game, bypassing City's midfield with the alternative of the direct-ball approach as they mixed up their game.

尽管求职者众多,一些企业感觉招聘好人才难,有“求才心切”的老板设饭局寻觅优秀人才。Despite numerous job-seekers, some companies said that highly qualified ones are hard to find. Some bossed said that they would like to invite the right ones to dinner, if they have met them.