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你的公寓有家的感觉。Your apartment feels homey.

它是多么美好,温馨的一个名字啊。It's such a nice, homey name.

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旁门看来亲切?Other door looking homey familiar?

噢,谢谢。我们认为这很家庭味。Oh, thank you. We think it's homey.

那个房云一种安适的气氛。The room has a homey feel about it.

然而,他们所设想的是一个旧世界,质朴的和舒适的。Yet the look they envisioned was Old World, rustic and homey.

飘寒摧玉枝,挂白镀飞檐。Floating cold, white jade branch homey hang in the eaves plating.

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那间酒吧有家的气氛,因此许多老外常会到那儿光顾。Many foreigners frequent that pub because of its homey atmosphere.

嘿,伙伴!我有一阵子没看到你了!你日子过得怎么样?Hey, homey ! I haven't seen you for awhile! How's life treating you?

鲜艳色彩的玻璃装饰品使很多树给人一种家的、温暖的感觉。Brightly colored glass ornaments give many trees a homey , warm feel.

我比较喜欢呆在家,所以通常都会陪我的家人。I am a homey type of person, usually I like to spend my time with my family.

这家餐馆在韦达多一家5层的公寓里,给人一种舒适和家的感觉。The cozy, literally homey restaurant was inside a 5th floor apartment in Vedado.

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客房布置的非常温馨而且具有私密性,让您在外工作时有温暖舒适的家的感觉。All the rooms are adorned warmly privately to endues guests with the comfortable homey feeling.

这是一道典型的家常菜,虽然饭店也有卖,但最好吃的一定是出自有爱的妈妈之手。It's a typical homey dish -- restaurants serve it, but the best always comes from a loving mom.

我们在附近稍微逛了逛就去一家很有家庭感觉的墨西哥风味餐厅吃饭了。We shopped around for a little while before settling at a homey little Mexican restaurant for dinner.

他在咖啡厅里加了些让人感受到家的气氛,如跳棋游戏,发自内心地关心顾客。He added homey touches, like a checkers game, to the shop and genuinely seemed to care about customers.

她说,他们不使用标准的白色床单,因为他们想给客人一个家的感觉。She says they don't use standard white bed sheets because they want to give the guests a homey feeling.

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2010年2月,天马行空的宇航员们为空间站安装了这座新的观景台,给这座轨道上的观察哨增添了家的感觉。Spacewalking astronauts installed the new cupola in February 2010, adding a homey feel to the orbiting outpost.

高度个性化的桌面暗示了他的所有者已经在此安定下来并且计划停留,但是过多温馨凌乱的摆设也会产生事与愿违的结果。Heavily personalised desks imply that the occupant is settled and plans to stay, but too much homey clutter can backfire.

目的观察浸浴疗法结合家庭病房式隔离法治疗烧伤后期残余创面的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinically therapeutic effect of immersion bath combined with homey wards on late burn remnant wounds.