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但威尔玛却做到了!But Wilma did just that!

现在,威尔玛已经拥有了两块奥运会的金牌。Now Wilma had two Olimpic gold medals.

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威尔玛·鲁道夫在家22个孩子中排行第20个。Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children.

但在一百米短跑中,威尔玛鲁道夫却赢了。But in the 100-meter dash, Wilma Rudolph won.

从方方面面看,威尔玛·鲁道夫都是田径场上的大师。By all accounts, Wilma Rudolph was a master at track and field.

老威尔玛剧院是一座古怪的、可爱的、装饰华丽的河边建筑。The old Wilma Theatre is a funky, lovely, ornate riverside venue.

威尔玛和她的大学同学还参加了接力赛的选拔赛。Wilma and her college teammates also tried out for the relay race.

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她是威尔玛·鲁道夫,第一个获得三枚金牌的女选手在同一届奥运会。She is Wilma Rudolph, the first woman ever to win three gold medals in the same Olympic Games.

可如果你知道威尔玛·鲁道夫的故事,你就会知道事实是威尔玛并非天生的运动员。But if you know Wilma Rudolph's story, you'll know the truth is that Wilma wasn't a born athlete.

你按照规则去做之后,比如说,你会得到一个句子,"弗雷德喜欢威尔玛"Now, when you do this, how many-- and then so, for instance, you get the sentence "Fred likes Wilma."

威尔玛下定决心克服自己的生理挑战,成为她哥哥姐姐那样的运动员。Wilma was determined to overcome her physical challenges and become an athlete like her older siblings.

遵循调用前一个规则的这个规则,这样你就得到了,像"弗雷德觉得巴尼喜欢威尔玛",这样的句子You have one rule invoking another rule and then you can get a sentence like "Fred thinks Barney likes Wilma."

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1940年威尔玛·鲁道夫出生时是个4.5磅的早产儿,是南部一个黑人家庭里22个孩子中的第20个。Wilma Rudolph was born prematurely at 4.5 lbs. , the 20th of 22 siblings born into a black family in the South in 1940.

荷兰夫妇威尔玛和威乐姆·斯图亚特多年都没有怀上孩子,决定做试管婴儿。Wilma and Willem Stuart were a Dutch couple who had been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for years and decided to try IVF.

飓风威尔玛以凶猛之势直奔佛罗里达,当地数万名居民已被要求从易受飓风袭击的地区撤离。Hurricane Wilma churns toward Florida as tens of thousands of residents are ordered to evacuate vulnerable islands and coastal areas.

但是当第三名运动员将接力棒传给威尔玛时,因为太激动,接力棒掉在了地上,随后威尔玛看见尤塔拿到接力棒奋力奔跑。But when the third runner handed the baton to Wilma, she was so excited she dropped it, and Wilma saw Jutta taking off down the track.

当我第一次听到这个故事的威尔玛鲁道夫,我深受鼓舞是因为它让我相信我能够实现我想做的事情。When I first heard of the story of Wilma Rudolph, I was deeply inspired because it makes me believe that I am capable of achieving anything I want to.

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田纳西州的田径教练爱德·坦普尔发现了威尔玛,并且帮她做好准备,赢得奥运会100米、200米冲刺及400米接力赛的金牌。Wilma was discovered by Tennessee State track coach Ed Temple, the man who prepared her to win Olympic gold in the 100 and 200-meter dash and the 400-meter relay.

有且仅有一个原因可以解释为什么威尔玛和笨伯竟然能够生活在一起——老婆多少显得有点泼妇,老头则粗鲁滑稽。There is one reason and one reason only that a couple like Wilma and Fred Flintstone could stay together, despite her somewhat shrewish nature and his boorish antics.

飓风威尔马威胁古巴和拉丁美洲,威尔马暂时暴发成为大西洋飓风史上最强劲的风暴,美国佛罗里达群岛地区观光客被要求撤离。Hurricane Wilma menaces Cuba and centre America and visitors are ordered out of the Florida Keys as Wilma briefly explodes into the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record.