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这个评论不应该只是被认为是内容的复述。This commentary is not to be considered as a reduplication.

同义叠加是朝鲜语特有的一种语言现象。The synonymous reduplication is a unique linguistic phenomenon in Korean.

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总结了影响测量结果重复性的几个因素。Several factors that affect the reduplication of consequence are summarized.

词语叠连不同于重叠,它有其特点。The reiterative is different from reduplication and has itself characteristics.

现代汉语中,叠音词与重叠式很容易发生混淆。In modern Chinese reiterative locution and reduplication are likely to be confused.

事实上,叠结与重叠是两种不同的语法手段。In fact, reduplicated-combination and reduplication are two different grammatical method.

词汇重叠式是词汇的一种构形形式,形式的增加导致意义的增加。Reduplication is a type of word formation. The increase of form results in that of meaning.

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在语用方面,主要是从句类上来分析动词重叠受到制约的规律。In the pragmatic aspect, types of sentence are mainly discussed to analyze verb reduplication.

叠字是由形、音、义均相同的汉字重叠使用构成的,有广义、狭义之分。This paper aims to make a systematic contrastive study of reduplication in Chinese and English.

越语的部分重叠方式是汉语重叠词所不具备的。Moreover, Chinese is not equipped with a feature found in Vietnamese known as partial reduplication.

这就是我放置的这些标题,在底下给指明给予你们的解释的复制。This is what the titles that I put in its reduplication explained here underneath, designate for you.

词汇重叠式所附加的意义可以归纳为语法意义和色彩意义。The extra meanings carried by reduplication can be summed up as grammatical meanings and emotional meanings.

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动词重叠AABB式既有动词性,也具有形容词重叠AABB式的形式和功能。The verb reduplication form AABB has both the grammatical attributes of verb and the functions of adjective.

本文拟就铜仁方言与普通话相比存在大量重叠式名词这一特殊语法现象进行探索。Tongren dialect has a great deal of reduplication noun, this text research into the special phrasing phenomenon.

第三章对词根为双音节语素的形容词重叠式进行了描写和说明。The third chapter elucidated the types of a syllabic morpheme being the phrase root in the adjective reduplication.

涉及整个文本的形象或概念重复出现时,在文本中就会出现“嵌套结构”。Mise-en-abyme occurs within a text when there is a reduplication of images or concepts referring to the textual whole.

第五章是本文的余论,通过形容词重叠式的语法化,指出今后需要继续完成的工作。Chapter V through the grammaticalization of adjective reduplication patterns, we point out the work to continue in the future.

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关系数据库的数据冗余形成的原因有表的重复、属性的重复、元组的重复、属性值的重复。The data redundant in relational database is caused by the reduplication of the table, attribute , record, or attribute value.

在这一系统中,与动词重叠相关的句法、语义问题能得到一定的解释。According to the Three level Theory, some syntactic and semantic problems related to verb reduplication can be better interpreted.

双音节性质形容词重叠为aabb式除了要受到结构因素的制约外,更要受到语义因素的制约。The reduplication form AABB of bi-syllabic attributive adjectives is restricted not only by structural elements, but also by semantic ones.