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加入擦成细丝的柠檬皮。Add the lemon zest.

加一些磨碎的橙子皮。Add a little grated orange zest.

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我们热心参加这项运动。We entered into the sport with zest.

加一茶匙柠檬皮到汤里增添风味。Add one teaspoon of lemon zest to the soup.

杏仁蛋糕,有奶油和用酸橙调味。Marzipan cake with creme de menthe and lime zest.

这个汤的特殊香味是因为藏红花粉。The special zest of this soup is due to the saffron.

将蛋黄与糖、淀粉和柠檬皮丝混合,搅拌。Mix egg yolks with sugar, cornstarch, and lemon zest.

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其形象逼真生动,富有生活情趣。The image of realistic-looking, full of zest for life.

在较广的意义上,浪漫指的是对生活的热情。Romance in its broader meaning refers to a zest for life.

将橙皮擦出大约一茶匙的细末待用。Finely grate about a teaspoon of orange zest and put aside.

倒入一个大且敞口的碗内加入橘皮。Strain into a large, wide bowl, and stir in the orange zest.

拌入蛋与罂粟籽,随即加入擦成细丝的柠檬皮与柠檬汁。Beat in eggs and seeds, followed by the lemon zest and juice.

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或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格。Perhaps Paris’ allure lies in the zest and style of the Parisians.

具有猕猴桃、新鲜酸橙皮和西番莲果的香气。With aromas and flavours of kiwifruit, fresh lime zest and passionfruit.

这款无麸质柠檬曲奇是由纯柠檬制成,散发出清香的柠檬味。Lemon Zest cookies are gluten free and made with lovely real lemon flavor.

即便是卡梅隆和克莱格的巡回演说,也黯然失色了。Even the David Cameron and Nick Clegg travelling roadshow has lost its zest.

慢慢加入蛋黄,打匀直至表面光滑,然后加入打入意大利苦杏仁酒和柠檬和柑橘皮。Slowly add egg yolks, and beat well until smooth. Beat in Amaretto and zest.

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他丧失了对生活的热情,固执地拒绝遵从医生的治疗。His zest for life was gone. He obstinately refused to follow doctor's orders.

没有激情的爱情如死水一潭,适当的激情可增添乐趣。Love without zest just as lakes without water. Proper zest adds up to enjoyment.

大量的柑橘类香味,隐约中又透露著醋栗、桃子和百香果的香气。Masses of citrus zest on the nose with gooseberry, peach and passionfruit hints.