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这些都是不可衡量的术语。These are unquantifiable terms.

第二,很难说这是种族的原因,是因为它难以量化。Second, race is hard to talk about because it's unquantifiable.

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而在运营成本之上的则是一个无法量化的数据破坏的代价。And on top of the operational costs there is the unquantifiable cost of a data breach.

好处在于我们将避免了气候变化的无法估量的最坏结果。The benefits will be that we avoid the worst implications of climate change which are unquantifiable.

毫无意义,看不见的且无法计算的内在品质才是真正持久的魅力。It makes no sense. It's innate, invisible, unquantifiable characteristics that create lasting attraction.

这就是说,一些专家感到非定性的惠利可以一直通过想象来得到定性。That said, some experts feel that unquantifiable benefits can always be quantified with a bit of imagination.

我们其实很难对历史赋予一个写实的样貌,就如同文化本身的厚度也难被秤重化。It is in fact difficult to grant a realistic rendition to history, just as the depth of culture is unquantifiable.

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不能量化的期望如顾客的满意程度,能被成功满足的风险很大。Unquantifiable expectations, such as customer satisfaction, are subjective and entail a high risk of being successfully accomplished.

当然,及早对于自闭症和语言迟缓的治疗所带给患者生活质素的提高就能不用说了。Of course, the improvement in the quality of life enabled through earlier intervention for both autism and language delay is unquantifiable.

源自上述敞口的无法量化的风险,加上融资成本大幅上升的可能,令中资商业银行今年以来公布的扎实业绩黯然失色。The unquantifiable risk from those exposures, plus the prospect of costly capital raising, has trumped solid earnings posted so far this year by the banks.