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小学理科教授法系其中的一科。Science didactics in primary schools in one of these subjects.

在教学论视野中,活动理论有其独特的发展历史。In the view of didactics , the activity theory has its own uniquedeveloping history.

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对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.

摘要对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.

化学教学论研究范式的缺陷是客观存在的,其原因是多方面的。The defects of research paradigm of chemistry didactics exist, and the reasons are various.

讨论式教学法是一种教师引导下以学生间的讨论交流为主的教学方法。The key feature of discussion didactics is the discussion between students guided by teacher.

作者首先归纳总结出赫德明在教育领域所做的贡献,之后分析赫德明的教育方法。Firstly, the author states Hesser's contribution in the field of education in general, then he analyzes Hesser's didactics.

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教学论学科历经近三十年的恢复和发展,确实已经取得了很大的成就,但同时也面临着诸多问题和困惑。The subject of didactics has made great progress in the past 30 years, but still faced with a lot of problems and bewilderment.

现代教学论是教学论的一种崭新形态,具有综合性、开放性、系统性与完整性的特征。The modern didactics is a brand new form of didactics, with comprehensiveness, openness, systematicness, and integratedness as its characteristic features.

本文对音乐学院作曲专业复调课的现代教学方法进行了探讨,并对具有中国特点的教学问题加以分析。This article discusses the modern didactics of polyphonic classes for composition major in conservatories and analysis specific Chinese educational matters.

随着课程与教学论研究的逐渐深入及其视域的扩展,交往教学作为人类所特有的一种社会活动,引起了众多学者的广泛关注。In particular, the effective communicative teaching has been one of the most advanced and interacted theoretical issues in the modern curriculum and didactics.

在最后一章中,笔者总结了赫德明的一生,并断定赫德明对对外汉语教学有持续性的影响与意义,这个意义主要体现在其优秀的教育学方法与其实用性上。In the last chapter, the author concludes Hesser's life and his work and ascertains its enduring importance mostly in the field of didactics and practicability.

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探讨了“数学教学论”课程增加说课内容的必要性,提出了增加说课内容的原则,给出了增加说课内容的具体措施。The necessity of adding explaining lecture to didactics of mathematics is discussed. The paper points out the principle and concrete way of adding explaining lecture.

这个网站被认为是冰岛的基础学校与高等学府之间共同建构和反映媒介素养知识体系与媒介素养教育的一座链接性的桥梁。It is thought of as a joint working area for elementary schools in Iceland and the university to construct and reflect knowledge about literature and literature didactics.

结果表明,“异质分组”是一种很好的教学方法,明显地提高了不同层次学生的学习兴趣与成绩。The result shows that the different habitus grouping didactics for basketball teaching in college is a good teaching method. It can improve the achievement for all students.

从教学方法选择的六个依据出发,结合现代教育理论课程的特点,讨论法在教师培训中具有可应用性。Based on the six aspects of selecting a kind of didactics, and according to the characteristic of the modern theory of education, the discussion didactics has great usability in teachers' training.