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副交感神经系统使身体放松。Parasympathetic System relaxes the body.

副交感神经既增加张力,也加强运动,并松弛括约肌。The parasympathetic nerves enhance both tone and motility, and relax sphincters.

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其机理认为是通过调节副交感神经的兴奋性而发挥作用。It is thought that the mechanism plays a role by regulating the parasympathetic nerves.

它们能麻痹副交感神经系统,堵塞神经末梢信息传递。They work by paralyzing the parasympathetic nervous system, blocking the nerve endings.

采取的活动,通过副交感神经系统的地方是自发发生的事情。The activities that take place through the parasympathetic system are spontaneous happenings.

副交感节后神经元位于盆神经和泄殖腔神经节内。The parasympathetic postganglionic neurons were found in the pelvic nerve and cloacal ganglion.

通常我们的自主神经系统是在不断的平衡和副交感神经。Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic.

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这样能激活副交感神经,有助于安神和降低心率。This will activate your parasympathetic nervous system which will calm you down and slow your heart rate.

盘绕在交感系统的副交感神经系统会让你平静下来并让你保持活力。The parasympathetic system—with which the sympathetic system is entwined—calms you down and rejuvenates you.

相反,呼吸缓慢深邃激发副交感反应——使人平静。In contrast, slow, deep breathing actually stimulates the opposing parasympathetic reaction — the one that calms us down

进行会阴收束时,骨盆腔的刺激激活了融合在盆腔脊髓中的副交感神经纤维。When moola bandha is performed, pelvic stimulation activates parasympathetic fibers merging from the pelvic spinal cord.

但是,研究者未能解释为什麽针灸能够减轻口乾病,他们认为可能与调节副交感神经的活性有关。Though they cannot explain how acupuncture relieves xerostomia , they suggest that parasympathetic mediation may be involved.

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气息在鼻孔中交替流动,表明交感和副交感神经系统处于平衡状态。The flow of the breath in alternate nostrils indicates the state of balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

植物神经系统分为交感神经和副交感神经,它可以支配平滑肌和身体中的各类腺体。The autonomic nervous system innervates smooth muscles and glands, and is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

人体在正常情况下,功能相反的交感和副交感神经处于相互平衡制约中。The human body in normal circumstances, the opposite function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic constraints of a mutual balance.

心率变异性是反映交感神经系统和副交感神经系统兴奋性的敏感指标。Heart Rate Variability is a marker of performance of the excitability of Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System.

人体的植物神经有交感神经和副交感神经,射精过程受这两种神经的支配。The plant nerve of human body has sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve, ejaculation process suffers these two kinds of nerval to control.

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睡前一杯香蕉奇异果汁,安抚全身的神经系统,让副交感神经作用增强,进入放松状态、帮助睡眠。A glass of banana and kiwifruit juice before bedtime can kick start your parasympathetic nervous system, relaxing you and helping you get some sleep.

结论提示迷走神经对房室结功能影响大于对窦房结功能影响。Conclusion The results suggest that dle effect of parasympathetic nerve activity on atrioventricular node function is larger than that of sinoatrial node.

当副交感神经的紧张长时间持续时,便会出现身体倦怠,站立时头晕目眩,容易疲劳等症状。When the parasympathetic nervous continuing a long time, there will be physical fatigue, dizziness when standing, blinking, easy to symptoms such as fatigue.