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你们中有多少人对维基百科有所贡献?How many of you are contributing to wikis?

是太多了还是太少了呢Are they contributing too much, too little?

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你对神的名声有何贡献?How are you contributing to God's reputation?

“逃兵”退出或者停止做贡献。The Deserter drops out and stops contributing.

我们于晨钟暮鼓挥洒青春的激情!We are contributing our youthful passion all time!

为这一设想的实现添砖加瓦成了一件既快乐又激动人心的事。Contributing to the vision becomes fun and exciting.

保姆须有能力为家庭发展做出贡献。Must be capable of contributing to growth of family.

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而娱乐节目也可能是其中的一个因素。But perhaps entertaining shows are also contributing.

MCP-1是胰岛素敏感性的独立影响因素。MCP-1 was the independent contributing factor for Rd.

有九个因素促成了这种加尔文主义的复兴Nine Factors Contributing to the Resurgence of Calvinism

做一些事情让你感觉你有所贡献。Do something that makes you feel like you're contributing.

罗迪克也不差,贡献了74个制胜分。Roddick wasn't too shabby, either, contributing 74 winners.

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抽烟是导致癌症的一个主要因素。Cigarette smoking is a major fac tor contributing to cancer.

2015年,韩国艺匠特约赞助霍尊上海站演唱会。In 2015, artiz contributing sponsor Huo zun Shanghai concert.

造成米价遽涨的因素有以下数端。Several factors are contributing to the steep rice in prices.

气候变化是一个肇因,但并非是唯一的肇因。Climate change is a contributing factor, but not the only one.

三是看中国发展变化的普世性和和谐性。Thirdly, China’s development is contributing to world harmony.

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然而,其他许多起作用的因素可能会掩盖这种影响。But that impact can be lost among the many contributing factors.

你向某人发放股票,以肯定他对公司做出的贡献You give shares to someone who is contributing to the enterprise.

由于迈克尔克兰福德免费为促进这一计划。Thanks to Michael Cranford for contributing this freeware program.