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你找的是螺丝起子或大铁锤?Are you looking for a screwdriver or a sledgehammer ?

我们不需要一个生锈的大锤子把观点钉进去。We don't need the rusty sledgehammer to drive the point in.

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现年52岁的他,把砌砖头抡锤子当作消遣。Now aged 52, he relaxes by laying bricks or swinging a sledgehammer.

我拿着一根很大的撬棍,我的同事拿着一把大锤。I was holding a large crowbar, and my co-worker was holding a sledgehammer.

我要用铁锤伺候埃尔金大理石雕塑,之后用蒙娜丽莎来擦屁股。I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira.

魔术师把表扔进臼里,从桌子上拿起一把大锤。The conjurer threw the watch into the mortar and grasped a sledgehammer from the table.

我不知道怎样把那个盒子打开最方便,但也许你可以用这个锤子。I don’t know the best way how to get that box open, but maybe you can use this sledgehammer.

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11月12日,在波茨坦广场附近,一个西柏林人挥动大锤,旁观者鼓掌喝彩。A West Berliner swings a sledgehammer near Potsdamer Platz while onlookers applaud on Nov. 12.

若首饰匠的细锤无法除去我们的棱角,神便动用大锤。If a jeweler's hammer isn't strong enough to chip off our rough edges, God will use a sledgehammer.

为检测这座430米长玻璃桥的安全性,一名记者用铁锤猛击了桥面。A journalist has tested the safety of a 430-metre-long glass bridge by slamming it with a sledgehammer.

她递给一个观众一把大锤和一把大凿子,又递给另一个观众一把小锤和一把小凿子,再递给第三个观众一把电锯。She gave one a sledgehammer and a large chisel, one a hammer and smaller chisel, and the other an electric saw.

当启示周末是发表当做那数据片为邮政的2,它附加的那新回飞棒弯刀,大槌,和长柄的大镰刀。When apocalypse weekend was released as the add-on for postal2 it added the new boomerang machete sledgehammer and scythe.

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法官称引用的“欧洲人权公约”这个规定,是杀鸡焉用牛刀的做法。Citing the European Convention of Human Rights, judges called the rule a disproportionate "sledgehammer" to crack a nut of unproven size.

没有业绩号码已被释放,但期望短跑倍,以符合或接近瑞士以往大锤保时捷911升级。No performance numbers have been released but expect sprint times to match or come close to Switzer 's previous Sledgehammer Porsche 911 upgrade.

此外,活动组织方还准备了一个大型垃圾箱和一把长柄锤,用来对付那些不能粉碎的物品,例如旧电脑和让人发胖的办公室盒装零食等。A Dumpster and a sledgehammer were available for items that couldn't be shredded, which included an old computer and a tin of fattening office snacks.

就在这时,一位穿红色短裤,轮廓分明的金发女子从中间过道中冲刺而来将大锤投掷在屏幕上,粉碎了那个异口同声的错觉。Just then, a chiseled blonde in red track shorts sprints down the center aisle and hurls a sledgehammer at the screen, shattering the illusion of unison.

麦金农一直提到他的恐惧,说他每天早上醒来,“感觉好像夜里有人用大锤在砸我的胸部。”McKinnon has spoken about his fears, saying that he wakes every morning "feeling as though someone has taken a sledgehammer to my chest during the night".

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但法院现在认定这种权利有罪,法官发现300多名军官2003年试图策划名为“大锤”的阴谋。But the court has now decided that this right is a crime. The judge has found that more than 300 officers tried to organize a plot in 2003 called Sledgehammer.

我从小就相信恶魔有些可怕的力量。但是我可不认为把它照到墙上就会把墙放倒。除非他有个大捶。I was raised to believe the devil's got some crazy power, but I don't think shining him on this wall is gonna bring it down. Not unless he's got a sledgehammer with him.

曾经,在电脑里插入一幅鸭子拿着大椎砸电脑的漂亮剪贴画,进行展示,就会吸引观众的专注了,还会引发一些笑声。At one point, inserting into a presentation cute clip art of a duck bashing a computer with a sledgehammer could get your audience’s rapt attention—and a few chuckles besides.