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是盒式磁带。They is cassette.

我的磁带盒嗡嗡响。My cassette deck has a buzz.

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盒式录像带?。VCC? Video Compact Cassette?

他的讲话录在盒带上。His speech was taped on a cassette.

播放录音内容让学生跟读。Play the cassette for Read and say.

你能找到一个盒带录音机吗?Can you find a audio cassette player?

我把一盘磁带塞进车载播放器。I stuck a cassette into the car's player.

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我想我已弄坏了你的盒式磁带录音机了。I think I've broken your cassette recorder.

准备录有国歌或协会会歌的录音带一盒。A tape recording reproduced in cassette form.

从齐唱到自己进行原创歌曲,发挥学生学习的主动性。Play the cassette and sing the song on page 9.

我们也有盒式录音带出借。We also have everything available on cassette.

让它在那里呆上一刻钟,然后把他塞到磁带播放器里。Get a quarter. Stick it in the cassette player.

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一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear.

哪有什么。我们有些古典音乐还是老唱片呢。That's OK. Some of classical music is on cassette.

收录机是为我女儿买的礼物。The cassette recorder is a present for my daughter.

所有的广播节目都以盒带形式发售。All radio programs are available on cassette format.

准备一个录音带播放机,如盒式磁带录音机。Prepare a tape player, like a cassette tape recorder.

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现在,盒式磁带录音机渐渐过时了。Cassette tape recorders are gradually out of date now.

这里有一个关于录像机的案例。That was the case with VCRs, Video cassette Recorders.

他对自己的新袖珍录音机爱不释手。He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder.