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冒牌公爵和假皇太子与汤姆有何不同?In What Ways are the Duke and the Dauphin Different from Tom?

致力于法国王太子,它达到了惊人的成功。Dedicated to the Dauphin of France, it attained a stunning success.

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但和其他生活在多芬郡的居民一样,麦克·平塔克也没有答案。Like the rest of his fellow residents of Dauphin County, Mike Pintek had no answers.

真正应该担心的是,特朗普会成为“混乱队长”,成为无知的混乱王子。The real fear should be that Trump is Captain Chaos, the ignorant dauphin of disorder.

正在多芬成为国王查理五世法国正在1364年,他与Taillevent首席厨师。The Dauphin became King Charles V of France in 1364, with Taillevent as his chief cook.

同年,她率领一支12,000人的军队进军到兰斯,并将王太子加冕为查尔斯七世。The same year she led an army of 12,000 to Rheims and had the dauphin crowned Charles VII.

他想到了一个主意,他叫来一个侍从,让他坐在自己的椅子上,而查理自己则混在其他侍从中。He called a retinue to sit on Dauphin ' s usual chair and Charles foisted into other retinues.

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在这个寓言中,德拉方丹指出Dauphin财富和减轻可能会产生显着的成本。In this fable, de la Fontaine instructs the Dauphin that wealth and ease can come at a significant cost.

寄居蟹包括在红棕色油都是在多芬岛,阿拉巴马州,星期二,2010年6月1日海岸所示。Hermit crabs covered in reddish-brown oil are shown on the coast at Dauphin Island, Ala. , Tuesday, June 1, 2010.

我觉得这是芳丹寓言通过书面的海豚被作为一种文化产物,特别是有趣的。I find this fable written by de la Fontaine for the Dauphin to be particularly interesting as a cultural artifact.

现在毫无争议的是张是辅佐之臣而金正日涉世不深的小儿子金正云确是迟来的的“皇太子”。Now ubiquitous, Jang is the caretaker-mentor while Kim's greenhorn youngest son, Kim Jong-un, is belatedly groomed as dauphin.

本文重点研究带自动驾驶仪的“海豚”直升机的纵向飞行品质。In this paper, emphasis was put on the study of longitudinal flying qualities for "Dauphin" helicopter with autopilot equipment.

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法国王太子曾向魁奈抱怨为君者之难,这位医生回答说其实很简单。The dauphin of France once complained to Quesnay of the difficultyof being a king, and the physician replied that it was really quite simple."What