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天蛾人在缅因州的一家精神病院里面。Mothman's in a asylum up in a Maine.

美国缅因州海湾的一只好奇的鲨鱼。A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine.

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我从缅因州大学毕业了。I graduated from the University of Maine.

所以,他把“缅因”战船派去了哈瓦那。So, he sent the battleship "Maine" to Havana.

我住在缅因州海岸的东布斯湾。I live in East Boothbay on the coast of Maine.

你呼我的时候,我还在缅因州的收费公路上呢。I was on the Maine Turnpike when you beeped me.

布莱登是在加拿大出生却是在美国缅因州长大的。Brendan was born in Canada and grew up in Maine.

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1807年2月27日,朗费罗在缅因州的波特兰出生。He was born February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine.

作者苏珊·盖多斯是一位缅因州的自由撰稿人。Susan Gaidos is a freelance writer based in Maine.

班戈市美国缅因州中南部一城市,位于佩诺布斯科特河畔。A city of south-central Maine on the Penobscot River.

缅因州是唯一一个单音节名字的州县。Maine is the only state that has a one-syllable name.

先前的纪录保持者是一只猫也缅因州。The previous record-holder was also a Maine Coon cat.

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山与海在缅因州的阿卡迪亚国家公园交汇。Sea and mountain meet at Acadia National Park in Maine.

北京和缅因的秋天都很美。The autumns in Beijing and in Maine are very beautiful.

我于昨天前往缅因州班戈农牧产品交易会。Yesterday I travelled to the Bangor State Fair in Maine.

秋风使一个小女孩停留在缅因州波特兰市的人行道上。Autumn winds stop a girl on a sidewalk in Portland, Maine.

生意兴旺时,他们南自乔治亚州,北自缅因州过来。When things were booming, they came from Georgia to Maine.

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怀特在他缅因的农场里写信给他的继子说。White writes to his stepson in 1964 from his farm in Maine.

1983年夏天,各州州长们聚集在缅因州的波特兰。In the summer of 1983, the governors met in Portland, Maine.

两块缅因云杉口香糖卖一分钱。Two pieces of the State of Maine Spruce Gum went for a penny.