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明月夜,短松冈。Moonlit night, stubby pines.

那晚有月亮,周围全是树林。The moonlit woods all around.

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月光下所有的母牛和绵羊And all the moonlit cows and all the sheep

洒满月光的路上,我站在树影中。I stand among the shadows in a moonlit road.

蒙面人像幽灵一般穿过月光下的院落。The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard.

镜花水月中的倒影。In the fanciful reflection of the moonlit water.

舞台灯光产生了一副月夜景色的效果。The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene.

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他们不在屋子里,也不在洒满月光的拂晓。they were nowhere in the house, nor about the moonlit dawn.

白兔穿过月光沐浴的草地,一处又一处。The rabbit crawls through the grass from moonlit place to place.

邀明月,爱在月光下完美。May the moon bear witness that the moonlit love is but perfection.

一天晚上,他独自住在一间小屋里。那晚有月亮,周围全是树林。One night he was alone at the cottage. The moonlit woods all around.

干燥的,无味的,其实男人谁谈月夜天文学。A dry-as-dust-a matter-of-fact man who talk astronomy on a moonlit night.

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我记得,在一个月夜,我们怎样地泛舟溯河而上。I remember how one moonlit evening we went up this river in a little boat.

在月光映照下,可以看到地面上有四,五个人。On the moonlit landscape, four or five people could be seen on the ground.

两个男人凭空出现,海峡边,一些院子被分离开来,月光照耀着小路。The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit.

九年前的一个月夜,祖父和我在园里乘凉。Nine years ago on a moonlit night, my grandfather and me in the garden the cool.

跳累了,便手挽着手在月光照耀下的庭院里散步。When our breath became short, we strolled, arm-in-arm, through our moonlit yard.

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两人不知从哪儿突然出现在一个月光下的窄巷里,相距仅有几码。The two men appeared out of no where, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane.

然后他发现自己在月光普照的白雪上冲刺,他的队伍紧随其后。Then he found himself rushing over moonlit snows with his packmates close behind him.

尽管如此,月光洗去了今晚天际中星星们昏暗的光。However, the moonlit glare washes this rather faint constellation from the sky tonight.