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由于这桩交易的规模,它对于摩根士丹利来说是一项重要的转让。For Morgan Stanley, the transaction is a key divestment , given its size. The U. S.

这场撤资运动不一定可以说服这些公司终止与石油丰富的伊朗的有利交易。It's not certain that divestment will persuade these firms to end lucrative deals with oil-rich Iran.

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图2-4是一个例子,说明产品生命期开始于经营计划,经过构思,到产品,再到日常经营和产品退出市场。Figure 2-4 illustrates the product life cycle starting with the business plan, through idea, to product, ongoing operations and product divestment.

该矿业集团上周称,将把四个业务新增至出售名单,来扩大其撤资计划规模,以作为扩大企业重组范围的部分内容.The mining group said last week it was expanding its divestment program by putting four more businesses on the block as part of a wider restructuring.

在整个美国和欧洲的大学校园内,反以色列撤资运动正日益高涨,这正是潜在后果之一。The anti-Israel divestment campaign that is slowly gathering steam in college campuses across the United States and Europe is one such potential consequence.

除了出售Polkomtel权益之外,沃达丰可能还必须抛掉更多资产才能抚平投资者疑虑,而出售中国移动的持股或许是解决这个问题的开始.However, Vodafone would need a larger divestment than Polkomtel to address concerns, and a sale of its holding in China Mobile would start to fall into this category.

稳定下来后,先期投入的国有资金可以逐步退出,出让给土地抵押合作社,最终国有资金完全退出,达到官办民营化的目标。Then at the proper time, the early national finance should give up the cooperative land mortgage and divestment totally, to reach the privatization of government-run.

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此外,撤资遭到布什政府的反对,它认为瞄准外国公司可能破坏打击伊朗的脆弱的国际联盟。Moreover, divestment is opposed by the Bush administration, which argues that targeting foreign firms risks undermining the fragile international coalition against Iran.

但是,经过数年没有成果的外交接触,有针对性的金融制裁和撤资提供一条从没走过的路。Still, after years of fruitless diplomatic engagement with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear ambitions, targeted financial sanctions and divestment offer a road not yet traveled.

然而,“玉石法案”仅以不具约束力的行文敦促雪佛龙考虑,如果缅甸军政府不实行民主、不进行其它改革,就从该工程中撤回投资。Instead, the JADE Act contains only non-binding language urging Chevron to consider divestment from the project if the military government does not move toward democratic and other reforms.

会议讨论涵盖面广,从经济危机影响下的全球投资气候到正在进行的关于撤资策略和投资步骤的争论。The day’s discussions covered a wide range of issues, from the global investment climate in the context of the economic crisis to the ongoing debate of divestment strategies and engagement approaches.