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我刚是民间的。I am just folk.

我特别喜欢民间舞。I love folk dancing.

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她成了一位民谣歌手。She was a folk singer.

你喜欢民间音乐吗?Do you like folk music?

我们要民谣歌手”。We want folk singers here.

他以颤声演唱了民歌。He quavered out folk songs.

凯文·福克已经有两个孩子了。Kevin Folk already has two.

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城市人听惯了噪音。City folk are used to noise.

白叟坐下来说话。The old folk sat and talked.

民间艺术包罗甚广。Folk art covers a wide range.

我最喜欢通俗歌曲。I likes simple folk song. 10.

他们都就民间音乐讲了话。They all spoke on folk music.

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懒忍躲懒最费力。Lazy folk take the most pains.

颤声唱一首古老的民谣。She quavered an old folk song.

他要去看民间舞蹈。He is going to see folk dances.

一个民歌手的随意的演唱风格。A folk singer's casual delivery.

这些默默无语的人我确实分辨不清I know not who these mute folk are

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如下是一个民间故事。There was a folk story as follows.

我将会表演新疆舞。I will perform Xinjiang Folk Dance.

他们将表演一些民间舞蹈。They will act out some folk dances.